All I can think about is seeing Caroline to safety and her knowing that I alone am her hero. I imagine her beautiful face lighting up when she sees that I’ve come to rescue her.

The idea of it helps me take the stairs even more quickly, and my giant muscular legs help too.

I could outrun a fucking Olympic athlete, that’s how fucking fast I am.

At last, we reach the right floor and stop outside the door to formulate a plan.

I take the lead, as usual. Why mess with a good thing, right?

“We have to assume the enemy is in there already—or they’re on their way. It might be a setup.”

“Let’s go in,” Marshall says, bouncing on the balls of his feet in anticipation.

He’s a fucking ball of fury. He has no survival instincts, that one. Not like I do. He’s too quick to act. Too impulsive.

I’m the complete opposite. I’m measured and steady to rise to action. I always maintain the perfect balance of acumen and perseverance. No one can get by me.

Just as I’m getting lost in my thoughts of how brave I am, I hear gunshots come from beyond the door.

Fuck, they are already in there.

Marshall charges it with the full weight of his body and he knocks it down. We back him up and drill bullets into the men inside. They didn’t even see us coming and this is all because of my steady pace.

The men are dead but the girl we keep here, Kandy, is slumped in the corner, her body riddled with bullets. It’s a disgusting sight. I’m not afraid though. I never feel afraid, only fearless.

I’m exasperated, though, looking around for Caroline, and at last, I see her crouched under the massage table. She avoided the fate that Kandy suffered at these men’s hands. But we’ve put an end to them now.

“Caroline, baby, it’s okay. We’ve taken out anyone who might hurt you. I’m here; you’re safe now. Come out,” I say, attempting to soothe her.

The look of relief and comfort on her face is all I need to see. I’ve rescued her, and she’s so happy.

I’m the fucking hero here, just like I knew I would be. I can’t help but succeed at anything I do. It’s who I am. It’s impossible to fail when you have this much talent. I know she sees it too.

The other men all want some of her attention too, so I reluctantly let her go. They swarm her with attention and kisses. It’s so hard to share but it would be even harder if I didn’t already know that I’m her favorite. I must be. Why the fuck wouldn’t I be?

Arsen holds her first. He’s so goddamn selfish. He always wants to get to her ahead of anybody. I barely had a second to see her reaction to my handsome face freeing her before he jumped in to steal her attention.

It’s me who led the charge up here. I’m the fucking hero. She must miss me already so I try to take her back in my arms, but then fucking Marshall grabs her waist.

“Are you okay?” he asks, a little too aggressively in my opinion. And my opinion’s the only one that matters.

She kisses him and tries to calm him down. He’s all brawn and might. Marshall above all has a short fuse, and I know better than to cross him.

I throw reassuring looks at Caroline, hopefully letting her know that she’ll have the satisfaction of being back in my arms soon, once she’s made the rounds.

“Oh, you guys,” she says, the relief evident in her voice. “I thought I was done for.”

Tears fill her eyes and fall hard, streaming down her smooth cheeks. None of us know what to do. Strength—well, we have that in spades. But when a woman cries? We don’t fucking know how to fix it.

Kaden steps up, and I guess he’s the right one for the job. He can bring her back down, can soothe her and distract her. He tempts her with carnal sin that we all know she can’t resist. Soon his mouth is on hers and he’s muffling her cries.

“Baby, listen to me,” he says. “You have to be here in the moment. It’s over. You’re okay. You’re just in shock.” He grins wickedly, and I know what he’s thinking. That fucker. “Here, feel this.”

He places her hand on his giant cock that’s protruding from his pants. He has very little compassion, this one. All he thinks of is sex. Sure, she needs sex. It’s the perfect diversion. But she needs gentle coaxing first, and only I know how to provide this in the way she needs it.

“Give her to me. She needs the honor of being in my arms. I am the leader, after all. Step aside, assholes.”

I reach for her to pull her away, but Samuel intervenes. He takes her right from me without moving from his spot. He’s the laziest fucker in the world. Always expecting the world to be delivered to him. He never extends any effort. In fact, I’ve only ever seen him so interested in one girl that he would actually fight for her. Seems as if Caroline affects us all.