Hearing both these sexy men tell me how much they want me to come and knowing how close they are puts me over the edge as well.

Justin clamps his lips over my clit and twirls his tongue.

Marshall grabs my hips hard and pulls me back onto his cock as it explodes inside me again.

Justin’s cum fills my mouth and I swallow again and again drinking in his salty spray.

My whole body contracts and releases into a million pulsing stars. I catch myself wanting to scream, but I don’t want to miss a drop of Justin’s cum.

We stay poised in that moment of ecstasy, Marshall and Justin’s cocks still throbbing draining their cum into me. I am vibrating and, after what was probably only seconds of actual time but felt like so much longer, release a scream that strains my lungs with its intensity.

We lay across the bed, panting exhausted covered in cum and sticky.

We breath as one, inhale and exhales matching.

There is still a low vibrating sound coming from off to the side, near Justin’s hand.

He picks up with still low buzzing vibrator and holds it up with a grin.

“Damn, baby I forgot to take a video of you with the vibe, we will have to try again.” Marshall says laughing.

Chapter 16


I squirm in my unnecessarily cushy seat. It’s not often I’m in Samuel’s office, partly because I find it so uncomfortable.

For one, his office is also his bedroom. It’s a crapshoot whether I’ll find it messy or not, depending on if he’s even remembered to call the cleaning girls; it’s not like he ever has plans to clean it himself. Then there’s the fact that his meeting area, desk, and bed are all one entity.

His computer is on a swiveling desk with multiple large monitors that he can swing around his bed freely.

His entire room is wired to a voice system. Anything he can modify so he never has to leave his bed, or at least as infrequently as possible, he’s done.

Apollo looks equally uncomfortable, but at least appreciative that we found it on a more organized day.

Samuel is far from a dirty person, though; he’s just incredibly unorganized. Caroline looks much more relaxed in comparison. She’s already lounged down in her chair while Apollo and I are struggling to find a comfortable position in the overstuffed leather seats.

Samuel pays our discomfort no mind as he finishes tapping away at his keyboard. He’s sitting towards the edge of his bed, cross-legged and only mildly focused.

I see pictures of miscellaneous people fly across his screen, each accompanied by what appear to be Social Security numbers, personal data, addresses, phone numbers, and both lists and pictures of credit cards. He’s mentioned his blackmail system to me before, but I had no idea how extensive it really is. I’m actually almost jealous at the wealth he has access to, whether it’s his own or not.

“I’ve told you, I checked plenty of times over, and Edwin doesn’t have a single cent to his name,” Samuel says, sighing. “I don’t know what another check will really show.”

“Well, I’ve heard him talk about associates before to Mary,” Caroline says, referring to her deceased stepmother. “But I’ve never actually seen these people, and the way he talked he seemed quite close to them.”

“What has he said about them?” Apollo asks.

“He’s always mentioned them in passing,” she says. “I always thought maybe they were managers of different businesses or something? But you didn’t see any businesses under his name, so…”

“It’s…likely code,” I chime in. “Maybe they’re aliases he uses?”

“List the names,” Samuel says as he types across his keyboard.

Caroline lists off a whole slew of names, and the computer picks up her voice each time and new information for each name pops up on a different section of the screens. Information scrolls past as Samuel’s eyes dart across. We see realization come across his face.

“Well fuck,” he says. “Each of those names is a different account holder, and each account lists Edwin as an authorized user. That’s why his name didn’t show up; he’s not actually registered to any of them, but each of these names is. He’s got at least 1…1.3 billion dollars stored away overseas!”

“That greedy fuck!” I say, shocked. Samuel and Apollo both stare at me, suppressing laughter, then return their eyes to the computer.

“So he was willing to give up his own daughter for some chump change compared to what he has stored away?” Apollo says, making sense of the whole situation.

“It appears so,” Samuel says. “Where did this all come from though?”

“Well, I know he’s ordered plenty of services by borrowing money, just like he did with you guys,” Caroline says. “He’s always been open handed saying he has no money left, saying it was all gambled away whenever anyone comes by to collect. This must be from all that.”