Page 125 of SEAL Team Ten

“Yes. That’s why I volunteered to bring this over here personally. I know that my father is working with the FBI, but I believe your team is the one that is prepared to take the necessary steps to stop this mess, once and for all.” She gave Spencer a quick glance before dropping her gaze to the pockmarked tabletop.

The other couples drifted off to the dance floor when a sappy slow song came on, leaving only Spencer, Toni, and Kyle.

“So, you made it home okay,” Spencer said. It wasn’t the most brilliant conversation starter, but it was the best he could come up with.

“Obviously,” Toni said, giving him some serious side-eye. “The new bodyguard you found was really nice. I decided to keep him on permanently, as a matter of fact. He’s been great at helping me practice my Arabic, plus having him around has really cut down on the number of people willing to harass me in public.” She cocked her head toward the entrance, and Spencer glanced over to see the hulking silhouette outside the pub. “Bakir makes a good deterrent.”

“Bakir would make a good building,” Spencer said and smiled.

“That too.” Toni winked, and his insides went warm. “It’s good to see you again, Spencer.”

“You too, Toni.”

“Aw, so sweet. You guys are giving me a toothache,” Scotty crooned, complete with kissy noises. Hayley smacked him gently on the butt as they made their way back to the table.

“A busted jaw would give you a toothache too,” Spencer growled.

“Enough,” Kyle said. “Are you sure this information is accurate, Toni?”

“Should be. It came directly off my father’s computer at Coran Williams Publishing. I stopped there right before I came here. Why?”

“Because this lists the location of someone we haven’t been able to find.”

Spencer’s eyes widened. “Natalie?”


Gage resumed his seat and pulled Anna down onto his lap. “She’s in witness protection, right?”

“According to these files, Coran was able to track her somehow. There’s a trail of receipts that leads all the way to Nashville.” Kyle flipped through a few more pages, his scowl deepening. “And there’s surveillance shots of her too. In front of Ryman Auditorium.”

“But Natalie hated country music,” Scotty said, his nose wrinkled.

“Maybe it’s supposed to be part of her cover.” Spencer leaned back and downed the rest of his beer, his arm brushing against Toni’s. “Anything else in that file?”

“Oh, yeah. Looks like Natalie wasn’t the only person Coran was tracking.”

“Who else?” Hayley asked.

“Well, Arrieta, of course. Plus, a couple of other terrorist bigwigs. There’s five pages of intercepted radio communications between SHEEPSKIN and several of these various terror cells.” Kyle shook his head and pulled out another photo, then squinted at the corner of it. “Whatever system your father was using, Toni, it was pretty goddamned effective. There’s something else on here too. With the reprinting, I can’t tell if it’s something important or just a watermark.”

“Let me see,” Anna said, snatching it from Kyle’s hand.

Being a professional photographer would give her an advantage, Spencer supposed. “No. That’s no watermark.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a small magnifying lens. “Looks like Arrieta’s symbol again.”

She handed the picture and lens to Kyle, who took a look, then passed it to Spencer. “Is that the same as what you saw on Toni’s letter that first day?”

Spencer squinted at the tiny image and saw the circle with the letter A in the middle, the same rifle and machete and crossbow. “Yep. You think Arrieta’s using it as a code or something?”

“Maybe.” Kyle rubbed his eyes and signaled the bartender to bring them all another round. “I’ll have to do some more digging to be sure. The only thing I know for certain is there’s a trip to Nashville in my future.”

“What about the rest of us?” Scotty said, waggling his brows at Hayley. “Maybe I’d like to visit some “Friends in Low Places” myself.”

Spencer chuckled. “Way to date yourself. How about something from this century?”

“Shut up. I like that song.”

“And now I’ve got it stuck in my frigging head. Thanks a lot.” Gage pushed to his feet once more and took Anna’s hand. “C’mon, baby. Time for a new earworm.”