Page 87 of SEAL Team Ten

“True,” she agreed, then winked. “But you do have your charms.”

“I do?” He narrowed his gaze. “Like what?”

“Well, before we get into that, let me make something clear. If you ever, and I meanever, run off and almost get yourself killed like that again without giving me some warning, I will personally kick your ass.”

Scotty raised a brow. “Kinda hard to agree to that, considering I’m a SEAL and all. That’s sort of what we do.”

She grumbled, but she finally conceded, “I know, but…next time, take me with you.”

“What? Why? Even if that were remotely possible—which it isn’t—why would I put you in danger like that? So you can get your head blown off?”

“Better than living without you for the rest of my life.”

Speechless, Scotty snapped his mouth shut and tapped his fingertips on the tabletop. She did care, apparently. Good to know. Still, he couldn’t promise her he’d play it safe. He’d trained to be a SEAL his whole life, and he lived to defend his country and all it stood for. He wouldn’t be him otherwise. “I’m not going to make promises I can’t keep. I won’t say I’ll never run into the face of danger again, but I will keep you by my side through as much of it as I can—and I’ll always come home to you if I can.”


He bumped feet with her underneath the table, then caught one of hers between his and grinned. “Admit it. You like me. Just a little.”

She shook her head and glanced away, her cheeks coloring a delectable pink. “Just a little.”

“See, was that so hard?”


* * *

They sat in companionable silence for a few moments before Scotty got up and moved over to her side of the booth, putting his arm around her shoulders and snuggling her close to his side. “Who was that man you were talking to in the hallway?”

Hayley did her best to keep from melting into his delicious heat and instead took a sip of her coffee. “He’s with the Bureau. Assistant Director Michael Carson. He’s the head of the Cyber Division.”

“Really?” Scotty leaned away and frowned. “He came down here in person to fire you? That’s awful. I’m sorry about that crack earlier. I know how much you risked to help us, and I shouldn’t have—”

She kept quiet just a moment more. Let him squirm a bit.

“Well,” she said, keeping her tone low, “I figured my career was pretty much over…”

He blew out his breath in a big puff and slumped. “I’m sorry.”

And then she couldn’t help it. She smiled. “…but it turns out, they want me to come back.”

He sat up. “What?”

“Yep, surprised the hell out of me. I get to keep my job. Actually, it’s better than that. I get the promotion I wanted. Or, at least, that’s the offer on the table.”

“And? Are you going to take it? I mean, it’s what you love to do, right? All that computer hacking and cyberstalking.”

“Uh, yeah.” She chuckled. “Sort of.”

“And you’re good at it.”

“I’m the best.”

Scotty snorted. “That’s my Red. Always humble.”

“Hey, you’re one to talk.”

“True.” He laughed. “You should take it. And I can’t deny it’d be handy having someone on the inside. You could help us search for Nick’s killer, feed us information. You know, if it wouldn’t get you into trouble.”