Page 75 of SEAL Team Ten


“Fine. I’ll call you when it’s over. Yes.” She ended the call.

“I did some research on you, Agent Harper. You’re ex-military,” Kyle said.

She sniffed. “Army medic. Why?”

“No reason. I’d think killing innocent men would go against your grain, that’s all.”

“Nice try, Matthews. But you’re hardly innocent, are you?”

“We are.”

“Your brother’s death says otherwise.”

Kyle flinched. Scotty looked away as they bumped down the road.

After several bitter seconds, Kyle said, “I didn’t kill my brother.”

“The reports indicate you did.” From what Scotty could see from his vantage point, it looked as if Michelle had slumped in her seat. “Doesn’t matter now, anyway.”

“Why?” Kyle’s voice sounded rough. “The truth always matters.”

“No.” Michelle’s voice was dull. “Unfortunately, it doesn’t. Not anymore. Not for me.”

“Why not?”

“The truth won’t save what’s important.”

“And what’s important to you, Agent Harper?” Scotty asked.

“Everybody just shut up,” she said, suddenly angry.

She gestured to the other agents, who held their guns to the SEALs’ heads to be sure they stayed quiet.

* * *

“Ma’am, please sit still while I get this cleaned for you,” the paramedic said.

Hayley fidgeted in the back of the ambulance. It was just a flesh wound, thank goodness, the bullet grazing her rib cage. And she had a bump and a cut on her head, where she’d hit it when she’d fallen. That hurt like hell, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle. It wasn’t nearly as bad as Taser day at the Academy. Nowthathad been painful.

Or Scotty being taken away by force. That was unbearable.

On the other side of the vehicle, EMTs were inserting an IV into Natalie’s arm. She’d taken a hit to the right shoulder, the bullet passing through and leaving a nasty wound behind. She’d be okay, from what the paramedics were saying, but would need to go the hospital.

“Are you sure you don’t want us to take you to the ER, too, ma’am?” The paramedic paused to toss a wad of bloody gauze into a nearby biohazard bin. “They can do a better job of patching you up there than I can.”

“No. No ER.”

Not yet, anyway. First, she needed to get to Scotty and his team.

Michelle’s yell, the one she’d heard while still lying on the ground outside the row house, echoed in her head.

Take us to the docks…

Which docks did Michelle mean? What location would make the most sense? It would need to be a place that Michelle was familiar with, but not one so bustling that she’d be worried about getting caught. Hayley racked her brain trying to remember bits of memorabilia she’d seen in Michelle’s office. The picture of Michelle and her son on her desk. She’d said it was taken last year at a marina on James Creek. That was about twenty minutes away, which meant Hayley might have time to catch them, if she hurried.

She had to have time.