Page 72 of SEAL Team Ten

She ignored the sarcasm in his tone and continued. “I’ve been researching her while you were putting together this operation. I believe she truly loved Nick. I don’t think she knew that he was in danger. But I do thinkshe’sin danger now. And she’s grieving. Has it ever occurred to you she might be on a mission of her own? To avenge her dead husband?”

“If that’s the case, why didn’t she come to us? We could have helped—”

“Well, there is the matter of your team being blamed for what happened…” Scotty scrubbed his face, and Hayley took it as her opportunity. “She has as good a motivation to find the real culprits as any of you, don’t you think?”

He sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.

Glancing over, Hayley focused on Michelle’s team for the first time. They outnumbered Scotty’s team by at least two to one. That was unusual, and it heightened Hayley’s fears that this was a trap. She didn’t know what Michelle had gotten mixed up in, but it wasn’t anything good. What would happen to Natalie if they let Michelle’s team take her away? Would she even make it to a federal prison cell, or would she disappear somewhere along the way?

“Kyle won’t like it,” Scotty said, finally.

“If I’m right, Kyle will get over it.”

“And if you’re not?”

“Guess we’ll find out.” She walked back to the group and met Natalie’s gaze with a pointed stare.

“We’ll take things from here, Matthews,” Michelle said to Kyle. “Your services are no longer required.”

“I want this on record. My team helped bring this woman in,” Kyle said.

“I’m sure you do.” Michelle gave him a slow once-over. “Your team is in a bit of trouble.”

“My team did nothing wrong.”

“Funny, the official reports say otherwise. My deal still stands. If one of you confesses to Nick Matthews’s shooting, the rest go free. No more hiding, waiting for the ax to fall. Agent Stevens here was supposed to have made this offer clear to you before it came to this, but”—Michelle gave Scotty a significant look—“it appears she got distracted.”

A muscle jumped in Kyle’s jaw, and Hayley’s eyes widened. Making enemies of these men wouldn’t help Michelle’s cause. What the hell was she trying to prove? Hayley stepped forward.

“My prodigal agent,” Michelle’s gaze flicked to her. “Was it worth it? Sacrificing your career for these losers?”

“They are not losers. They’re innocent men, and I intend to help them prove it.” She glanced at Scotty, then Gage and Spencer. They wore the granite-tough expressions of hardened warriors. “Why all the extra manpower? Expecting resistance?”

“I’m always prepared. As you should know by now.” Michelle shook her head. “To think I once considered you my protégé, Stevens. I thought you’d follow in my footsteps. I would’ve given you that promotion, you know.”

The words hit Hayley like a kick to the gut, but she remained steadfast. A week ago, that promotion had been her supreme goal. Now, thanks to one special man in particular, she knew there were more important things in life. Things like friendship and loyalty and…maybe even love.

She inched closer to Scotty. “I don’t want your promotion. I’ve found everything I want right here.”

Scotty glanced sideways at her, his eyes glowing with heat and affection. Maybe it was all happening too fast. Maybe she was flushing a promising career and everything that went with it right down the toilet. But at that moment, she didn’t care. They’d find a way out of this, a way back to freedom and truth, and then they could see about building something even better together.

“We’ve wasted enough time.” Michelle cocked her head toward two of her agents. “Davis. Green. Grab the widow, and let’s go.” She turned back to look at Kyle. “Still not too late to take my deal, Matthews. This is the last time I’m offering.”

Natalie’s gaze darted between the SEALs, her expression desperate.

Kyle scowled and stepped closer. “In a hurry, are you? What about her Miranda rights?”

“We have reason to believe she’s in possession of top-secret information that could affect national security. And we take threats of terrorism very seriously, Matthews. We’ll deal with her rights later.”

“She’s one woman.”

“She’s a traitor.”

Kyle’s gaze hardened. “Says who?”

“Says this warrant for her arrest from the State Department.” Michelle removed a folded packet of papers from the inside pocket of her black blazer. “Now, Matthews. Are you going to let us do our jobs, or will we have to arrest you and your team for obstruction of justice?” She gave him a cold stare. “I don’t think you want us to bring your team in. Not when there are so many people anxious to get their hooks into you guys.”

Tense silence followed.