Page 71 of SEAL Team Ten

“I can’t.” Natalie struggled against her bonds, the metal legs of the chair scraping loudly against the dirty concrete.

“Everything okay over there, Red?” Scotty called.

Despite the situation, Hayley’s heart stuttered. Against her better judgment, she cared for her brave, stubborn, sexy SEAL. She’d thought she had given up on relationships, but he made her want to try again, to see if what they had could last. But they didn’t stand any chance if he stayed under suspicion for his teammate’s death—or worse. If her boss was compromised, who knew what the team she was sending would do when they got here? So she’d do whatever she could to keep him safe.

“Fine.” She narrowed her gaze on Natalie. “You said you loved Nick. If that’s true, why would you betray him?”

“I had no idea.” Fresh tears welled in Natalie’s eyes. “I would never have done anything to hurt Nick. He stuck with me through everything. They told me they wouldn’t harm him. Theypromisedme.” Two fat tears rolled down her cheeks. “Please, you have to believe me. If they find me here, we’ll all die.”

Deep down, Hayley didn’t believe Natalie had intended to harm her husband. Still, she was hiding something, and whatever it was required more time to root out. She checked her watch. Michelle’s team would be here soon, and then it would be too late. If she was going to act, it had to be now.

Cursing under her breath, she leaned over Natalie’s shoulder, quickly cut through the zip ties binding her hands together, and kicked the evidence off into the shadows, then whispered in Natalie’s ear, “Move a muscle before I give my signal, and I won’t be responsible for what happens. Understood?”

Natalie glanced sideways at Hayley, frowning, then nodded. “Why are you helping me?”

“Because once this is over, we’re going to help each other. Got it?”

The women locked gazes, a silent understanding passing between them.

“So you’re with Scotty?” Natalie asked as Hayley faked tying her shoelace and deftly sliced through the restraints around Natalie’s ankles. “I’m glad. He needs someone like you. Nick never had a more loyal friend than Scotty.”

“I hope you’re right.” Hayley straightened, then looked over at the guys. Even in the dim light of the vacant house, Scotty looked like a Greek god, all bronzed muscle and golden hair. Warmth spread outward from her chest through every inch of her body just from looking at him. “Now stay put until I say so.”

The sound of engines cutting off followed by footsteps crunching on the gravel outside had both women turning their heads in unison. The SEALs moved closer, and Hayley gave Natalie a don’t-move look.

“All right, Red.” Scotty stepped in beside her, his heat chasing away the sudden chill in Hayley’s bones. “Time’s up.”

“We accepted you into our group, Natalie,” Kyle said, his tone disappointed. “I took you in as part of my family. I trusted you. I won’t make that mistake again.”

Natalie remained silent.

“Feds are here,” Gage called. He and Spence held the door open for Michelle and her team.

“Uh, Red, can I talk to you a second?” Scotty took Hayley’s arm.

“I need to talk to my boss,” she said, trying to wrench free.

“You can talk to me first.” He guided her off to the side. “Mind telling me what’s going on?”

She scrunched her nose. “Last time I checked, you guys were turning Natalie in.”

“No.” He crossed his arms and exhaled. “I mean, why did you cut her restraints?”

Hayley swallowed hard and did her best to keep from showing her shock. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I saw what you did, Red. Did you really think I’d take my eyes off of you?” He stepped closer, and her breath caught as he reached behind her and patted her butt, right where her knife was stashed. “Always knew that thing would get me into trouble.”


“Save it,” he growled. “Just tell me why.”

“She knows things, Scotty. Things she’d rather not tell the FBI. I think if we work with her, she could help us clear your name.”

“So you’re doing this for me?” He raised a brow, and his firm lips quirked. “I’m touched, Red.”

“I’m doing it for all of us.” She smoothed her hair and cleared her throat. “Think about it, Scotty. She won’t do anyone any good locked in some federal prison. And she didn’t want to set Nick up.”

“You believe her, huh?”