Page 70 of SEAL Team Ten


“Did you care at all for my brother?” The rawness in Kyle’s voice stabbed Scotty in the chest. “Or was he just some pawn in your scheme?”

“He wasn’t a pawn.” Tears streamed down Natalie’s cheeks. “I loved him. Nick was my best friend.”

“Ours too,” Spencer and Gage said together. Spencer stepped forward and snarled, “We don’t like it when our best friends end up dead.”

“You think I wanted that?” Natalie struggled against her bonds, her cheeks flushed. “I had no idea they were going to— If I did, I never would’ve—”

“What did you give Becks, Natalie?” Kyle narrowed his gaze. “Michael Becks. We saw you pass something to him outside.”

“I’m not saying anything else.” She pressed her lips together. “Let me go.”

“Did Nick know what you were involved in?” Natalie shook her head, her eyes lowered once more. Kyle straightened and pulled out his cell phone. “Hello, I’d like to speak with Special Agent Michelle Harper. Thanks. Yes, I’ll hold.”

“How do you know my boss?” Hayley asked, the color draining from her face. “You never mentioned you knew her.”

“You never asked,” Kyle replied. “You didn’t think I’d allow my men to meet with just anyone, do you? I’ve sworn to protect each and every one of them with my life, if necessary. A smart agent like you should’ve expected a bit of investigation into your situation.”

Hayley opened her mouth, closed it, then opened it again, speechless for the first time since Scotty had met her.

“Did you know he knew my boss?” Hayley asked him, her gaze accusatory.

“No.” He held up his hands. “First I’ve heard of it. But I’m sure Kyle had a good reason for keeping it secret.”

“Yeah?” She crossed her arms and frowned. “I wish I had your faith.”

“No. Please. Not the FBI,” Natalie pleaded. “If they get ahold of me, I’m dead. Worse than dead. Nothing but interrogation rooms and torture and prison. Please, Kyle. Please don’t. I’ll help you, I promise. For Nick’s sake, please don’t.”

Kyle gave her a pointed stare, then looked away. “Yes, Agent Harper. This is Kyle Matthews, SEAL Team Ten leader. No, I’m not interested in cutting a deal.” He gave Hayley a look. “I’ve got someone here I think you’ll be interested in questioning. My ex-sister-in-law, Natalie Matthews. We’ll hold her until you arrive.” He gave the address before hanging up.

Natalie sobbed again, a gut-wrenching sound that sliced into Scotty’s heart like a razor. Part of him wanted to cut her restraints and hug her tight, tell her everything would be okay even though it probably wouldn’t. The rest of him couldn’t get past the fact that she’d dealt with Michael Becks—a man who’d destroyed his own team, a man who’d likely been involved in her husband’s death, a man who’d kidnapped Gage’s girlfriend and endangered hundreds of innocent people by blowing up a downtown building just to get some file. His anger and suspicions outweighed his sympathy. Scotty grabbed Hayley by the arm and pulled her away from the group. He needed air and space and time to clear his head. “Let’s wait outside.”

“No.” She pulled free. “I want to talk to her. Alone.”

Kyle swiveled to face them. “You want to tell me about this deal your boss mentioned?”

“It was bogus. She said that if one of you took the blame for what happened to Nick, they’d grant the rest of your team immunity.” Hayley rubbed her arms. “I told Scotty about it, but I also told him it was a setup.”

Kyle didn’t respond, just watched Hayley with cool calculation.

“I trust her,” Scotty told him. He turned his focus to Natalie, who seemed oddly subdued for a woman fighting for her freedom. “Maybe we should let her speak to Natalie.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Kyle said. “Natalie’s dangerous, a wild card.”

“I know how to handle myself,” Hayley insisted. “Besides, if she tried anything, you guys will be right nearby.” She glanced at Scotty. “Please?”

Heart heavy and body exhausted, he didn’t want to fight anymore. “If that’s what she wants, Kyle, why not let her do it? What’s the downside?”

Kyle looked for Scotty to Hayley, then back again. “Fine. You’ve got ten minutes before the FBI team arrives. Make ’em count.”


Hayley waited until the guys were on the other side of the room, then moved closer to Natalie, her hand around the Swiss Army knife in her back pocket. “Who are you working for?”

Natalie looked up at her from her chair. “I can’t tell you that.”

“Not even to save your life?” Hayley pulled the knife out and flicked it open, keeping the blade low and hidden from the men behind her. “Tell me.”