Page 56 of SEAL Team Ten

God, yes. And not just for food.

She cleared her throat and looked away, but not before taking in his broad chest and muscled arms, the way the spoon in his hand and the faint hint of sweat on his brow only made him look even more appealing, if that were possible. Her throat was desert dry, so she poured herself a glass of water and then returned to the bar. “I’m starving.”

“Awesome.” He pulled out two plates and silverware from the kitchen’s inventory, then served up a portion of food for each of them. “Have a seat, Red.” The spicy scent of the peppers mixed with the rich aroma of the sausage had her stomach rumbling loudly.

Scotty took a seat on the stool next to hers and smiled. “Go on. Try it. Not poisoned, I swear.”

He didn’t have to ask her twice. She’d skipped lunch, working straight through to catch up on the other projects she’d been letting slide due to this case. Now, she dug into the delicious food this gorgeous man had prepared.

Hayley groaned low in her throat after the first bite, her eyes closing. The tangy peppers contrasted perfectly with the mellow, salty snap of the sausage and the slight sweetness of the caramelized onions. Perfection on a fork, that’s what this was. Yep. After she swallowed and opened her eyes again, she looked over to find Scotty watching her, naked desire in his deep blue eyes. Her stomach flipped, for entirely different reasons this time. She took a large swallow of water and gave him a nervous smile. “It’s really, really good.”

“Yeah?” As if in a daze, he reached out and brushed the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “How good?”

“Excellent.” The warmth from where he’d touched her zoomed straight to her core. He’d barely touched his own food, she thought absently, as he leaned closer, closer, until the space between them disappeared and his mouth captured hers.

The kiss started sweet and gentle, his hands cupping her head while hers fisted in the front of his soft blue T-shirt. She relaxed into him, and he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue against hers, once, twice. On the third pass, he stood and brought her with him, slipping one arm around her waist while his other hand traveled a slow path up her arm to cup her breast through her white cotton blouse, his thumb brushing over her hard nipple, teasing her.

Scotty broke away and leaned his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes, his breath coming fast. “I want you, Hayley. So goddamned bad.”

The tingle inside her spread to her inner thighs at the stark need in his gruff tone. She’d never been with someone where the chemistry was this highly charged. It might be wrong, they might’ve only known each other for a few days, but hell if she’d let this moment pass by. “I—I want you, too, Scotty.”

Her words seemed to unlock something within him, because before she knew what was happening, he’d picked her up and carried her to the living room, then cleared off the sofa and laid her down on it. Slowly, he stripped off her clothes, then removed his own.

Scotty Devonshire in jeans was a sight to behold. Scotty naked and fully aroused was a near sacred experience. As he stretched out on top of her, Hayley did her best to savor each sensation—the heat of his skin, the slight rasp of his chest hair against her nipples, the citrusy smell of his aftershave mixed with the woodsy scent of his skin. He kissed her again, stroked her, lavished attention on her sensitive nipples, then knelt between her legs and used his talented lips and tongue to coax her to the brink of orgasm again and again. By the time he rolled on a condom and positioned himself at her wet entrance, she was nearly out of her mind with lust.

“Do it,” she growled, digging her nails into his muscled shoulders. “I need you inside me. Now.”

“Patience, Red.” He kissed her again, slipping his fingers through her hair as he trailed his lips down her neck to the sensitive spot just below her ear. “Normally, I’d torture you a bit more, but I want you too damned bad to wait.”

“Please,” she begged. Hayley had never begged a man to touch her before. “Please, Scotty.”

He groaned and nipped at her neck, rotating his hips so the tip of his erect cock teased at her. “Hell yes.”

One long, smooth thrust and he filled her completely. Then he rested atop her, giving her body time to adjust to his size and girth. She’d never felt so filled, so stretched, so utterly overtaken by another person in her life. It had never been like this before with another man. She’d had to fake most of her orgasms with her ex, but she wouldn’t be faking anything tonight.

She arched against him, drawing him down for another kiss. He inhaled sharply and moaned.

“Jesus, Red. You’re so tight and hot. Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to make me come.”

Scotty grinned, all pure alpha male confidence. “Your wish is my command, Red.”

Within minutes, they were both panting. He reached between them and stroked her again, sending Hayley’s body right to the edge. Just as she was about to plunge over, he drew away until he was hovering above her, leaving her empty, unsatisfied.

“No!” she gasped out. “I want—” She clawed at his hips, trying to pull him back to her, but he resisted, giving her nothing but a wicked smile and a raised eyebrow, even though she could feel him shaking with his own need.

“Please?” she whimpered and was rewarded for her begging—more goddamned begging—with another long, smooth thrust. She couldn’t help herself and moaned something that was meant to beyesas he repeated the performance again and again until she was writhing beneath him, clutching at his firm ass, pulling his hips to hers so he could press into her center even more deeply.

His breathing came harder and faster, and everything about him seemed to grow more taut. That was what finally sent her over the edge—the way he tightened inside her, the way she felt his body clench with his release the split second before her body echoed his, pulsing around him again and again.

She clung to him, willing him to stay inside her until at last he dropped his head and nuzzled her breast, then chuckled and lifted himself on one elbow to smile down at her. “That was…wow.”

“You were pretty wow yourself.” That was putting it mildly. So much for her ex’s accusations that she was frigid. Turned outshewasn’t the problem after all.

“Thanks.” His stomach grumbled, and he bit his lower lip, laughter sparkling in his gaze.

They dozed for a while in each other’s arms. Hayley ran her fingers over his shoulders, his back, his chest, learning the lines of him, still not quite able to believe that she’d given herself to him so freely. She’d always struggled to relax during sex—but Scotty had made it easy. Even before her mind had accepted that she could trust him, her body had responded to him automatically, as if a part of her knew she belonged in his arms.