Page 46 of SEAL Team Ten

“He could have. But at least here we get out into the sunshine a bit.” He inhaled deep and grinned. “And it really isn’t Becks’s style these days to go out in public if he can avoid it. He’s pretty scarred after getting caught in a fire—gruesome burns on his face and arms, from what I hear. Makes it hard to blend into a crowd.”

“Fire?” She looked away and shook her head. “I don’t have time for this. I’m trying to impress my boss here. There’s a promotion I’m trying to win.”

“Right. Because lying seems like a great way to earn a job.”

“You know what? Forget it.” Hayley turned on her heel and headed across the grass to her car. Scotty didn’t even try to get in with her—he just pulled out his phone, presumably to call a cab or rideshare. This was it, then. Time to say goodbye. Hayley ignored the sudden pinch of regret that thought caused and clicked the button on her key fob to unlock the doors. “We’re done, Scotty. Good luck with your search, I guess. See you around.”

“See you around, Red.”

She hesitated for a moment, then climbed behind the wheel and headed back toward the office. She had work to do, now more than ever, if she was going to unravel this mystery and salvage her career goals.

* * *

Later that night, Scotty peered around the trunk of a large sycamore and scanned the area near Natalie’s house again. It was close to midnight, and most of the neighbors had gone to bed long ago, leaving only the orange glow of the streetlights and the whistle of the wind through the leaves to keep him company.

He’d returned under orders from his team leader, Kyle Matthews—Nick’s younger brother—to do another search. One where he wouldn’t be distracted by a certain auburn-haired FBI busybody with killer curves.

Something about Hayley rattled him. Maybe it was because she’d been so resistant to his charm. Over the years, Scotty had enjoyed his share of women, had earned and enjoyed his reputation as the womanizer of his band of brothers. Most gals fell all over themselves for him. Her, though? Seemed like she couldn’t care less.

Maybe you’re losing your touch…

The words echoed through his head in Nick’s voice. God, he missed Nick. No one had been better at keeping his head on straight. The whole team had been on edge since they lost him, even before they were informed that they were under suspicion for his death. He had to hope that finding answers and bringing his killer to justice would help them all find some peace again.

He checked the area one more time before jogging silently across the street, his black clothes and cap helping him blend into the background. He snuck around to the back of the house and jimmied the lock on the rear door before slipping inside.

Checking that bedroom again was a top priority. Plus the office he’d spied earlier. There was an attic, too, according the house’s blueprints. Natalie was a smart girl. He wouldn’t put it past her to stash the e-reader up there, then try to return for it later. But in his years of snooping, he’d learned that while people could and did hide their secrets all over, most kept to the usual spots.

He’d taken one step inside the office when he heard the distinct sounds of the front door’s lock being picked.

He’d not expected more company tonight, but then again, one never knew.

Maybe Becks had decided to show himself.

Scotty pulled his Glock from its holster and clicked off the safety. Becks wouldn’t be taken down easily, but Scotty was confident that he was up to the task. Then he’d take the bastard to the rest of the team, and they’d finally get some answers. Answers about Nick, about Natalie—and about Becks himself, and how he’d managed to survive the shitshow mission that had ended with the rest of his SEAL team full of bullet holes in the jungle. Was Becks the one who had killed them? Scotty didn’t know, but he did know that someone who could turn against his teammates—hisbrothers—couldn’t be trusted an inch.

Scotty kept his finger hovering over the trigger of his gun and sidled toward the living room, his back pressed tight to the wall.

Poised beside the door, he waited, breath held, as the front door opened and a shadowed figure stepped inside. Before his mystery guest had a chance to make a move, Scotty grabbed him around the neck, his forearm tight to the intruder’s jugular, the barrel of his gun resting against his captive’s temple in warning. His mind raced as the person struggled. He was short. Too short for Becks. And soft.

And curvy. And he smelled like strawberries and sunshine and…

“What the hell are you doing back here, Red?”

In answer, she stomped hard on his foot and bit his arm.

Cursing, he repositioned them, pinning her against the door with his arm against her throat to prevent her escape. “I’m waiting.”

Hayley glared at him, all fire and fury, her eyes glittering in the illumination from the streetlights, and despite the situation, Scotty felt his body respond. He had to admit, she was a fine specimen.

“Couldn’t stay away, huh?”

Hayley turned away, her tone deadpan. “Yes, your powers of attraction were too strong to deny.”

Without second-guessing his actions, Scotty stepped close to her, pressing his body tight against hers. Her breath caught, and her lips parted. There. That’s what he wanted. She might deny the attraction until she was blue in the face, but she sure as hell felt it. She was affected by him just as powerfully as he was by her. He traced a finger down her cheek and smiled as she shivered against him. “Yeah, I can see that. You like me, don’t you, Red?”

Scotty bent to kiss her, but she shoved him hard in the chest. He stumbled backward, and she scurried to the other side of the room. “That will not be happening,” she said, her voice a tad breathless.

He grinned slowly and shrugged. “Whatever you say.”