Page 40 of SEAL Team Ten

“Best hot dogs in town,” Gage said, holding the door open for her. She stepped inside and was hit with the smell of onions and spices. Gage ordered the original half-smoke with mustard, onions, and homemade chili. Anna asked for the salad bowl. Gage stared at her. “Seriously?” She gave in to that stare and added an all-beef dog.

They headed to the back, where they found Spencer, Scotty, and Kyle waiting for them, the table a wreckage of paper and napkins. Anna slipped into the chair next to Kyle, and Gage snagged a chair from a table where the customers were just leaving. The place was all hard surfaces and noise, but Anna had to admit Gage was right—the hot dog was heaven. Moist and juicy, with just enough kick to get her attention.

As they ate, Gage filled the others in on his conversation with the commander. He glanced around the table. “Ideas for what we do next?”

Anna remembered the photo she’d taken in Julie’s office. She wiped her fingers on a napkin and pulled out her phone to take a look.

She was simultaneously disappointed and delighted at what she saw. The image wasn’t even close to good—but she’d lucked out with the content. She showed the screen to Gage. “This might help. It’s blurry—sorry about that, but I didn’t have much time. It’s the only physical address I’ve seen for N.T. Smalls.”

Gage took her phone. “It’s a lead, at least.” He glanced around the table. “We should split up for a while.”

The others nodded. “Meet up at the usual place in two days?” Kyle said. They all nodded.

Spencer and Scotty stood. Scotty stopped next to Anna and nodded at Gage. “He won’t tell you this, but I will: you did good.” With a look at Gage, he headed out. Spencer followed him.

Kyle stood as well. He glanced from Anna to Gage. “Remember what I said.”

Gage nodded, and Kyle left. Anna fixed a stare on Gage. “Remember what?” she asked. “What did he tell you?”

Rather than answering, he asked, “You done here?”

She nodded, shoulders slumping. If Gage didn’t want to tal to her—well, she couldn’t make him. But it hurt.

Outside, he took her hand. She wanted to pull away, but his grip felt warm and comforting. He helped her into the truck, then turned and faced her. “Talk to me.”

“About what? You’re leaving, aren’t you? You’ve got N.T. Smalls—Natalie to find.” She pulled at the strap to her camera bag. “I could go with you.”

He put up a hand and cupped her cheek. “Becks won’t come after you. The commander’s got him targeted, and Becks got what he wanted. For now. With Eloise getting you on the news and all, it should be safe for you to stay here in DC. But…what do you want?”

She lifted her eyebrows. “You’re asking me?”

He nodded. “I want you to be happy, and I want you to know that I trust you. It scares me to think of you getting involved in anything dangerous, but that’s not because I think you’re weak. It’s because you’re importantto me.”

“I…I am?” she asked. The words were exactly what she’d wanted to hear—they seemed too good to be true.

“You are,” he confirmed. “Very important.”

“You’re important to me, too,” she confessed. “I like having you in my life.”

“I like being there. But as much as I’d love to keep you by my side all the time, the truth is, if you want to continue to help with the investigation, you’d be able to do the most good if you’re at your office, keeping your eyes peeled. We need someone on the inside. You proved that today.”

She paused, thinking it over. “Okay,” she finally said. “I’ll stay. But, ugh, do I really have to move in with my mother until all this is resolved?” She huffed out a breath.

He shook his head. “I was thinking—I’ve got a town house over in Capitol Riverfront. It could use some looking after. And…well, they allow pets. Romeo would like it. I…You might like it.”

Anna swallowed. “You…Are you asking me to move in or house-sit?”

Gage scrubbed a hand through his hair. “I’m screwing this up.”

“No…no.” She put a hand on his arm. “You’re doing fine.”

“Dammit, Anna.” Reaching over, he pulled her to him across the bench seat. “I know it’s fast—probably too fast. We should date. Moving in is a big step, and I don’t want you to feel pressured. But…you like having options, right? I want to give you those. Let you decide what makes sense for you.”

Anna grabbed the back of his head and kissed him. Twisting her tongue with his, she ordered herself to enjoy every moment she had with him. She only let go when she had to come up for air. Gage stared down at her, eyes dark. “That help you figure out what I want? I wantyou, Gage. And I’ll take you any way I can get you. Now, do you think we could go back to the hotel so I can rescue Romeo from the staff…and maybe get you naked while I can?” Reaching for the hem of his shirt, she slid her hand underneath the cotton and stroked his chest.

He put his hand over hers. “Keep that up and we’re not going to make it anywhere.”

“So drive already.”