Page 141 of SEAL Team Ten

“Stand down, Agent Matthews. This was my call to make. You think this guy can be trusted? He planted a tracker on you. Stop being so naive.” Doug straightened his tie and cleared his throat. “Lieutenant Commander Kyle Matthews, I’m placing you under arrest for the attempt to steal national security secrets.”

“Yeah?” Kyle said, a trickle of blood marring one corner of his full lips. Natalie clutched her fists tight to keep from reaching out to wipe the blood away. She wanted to apologize for the Agency’s actions—and for hers—but it was too late. “Screw you, Agent. And your whole department too.”

Natalie didn’t miss the way his furious glance flicked to her with those last words.

Oh, yeah. Far, far too late.

She trailed along beside the other agents as they led Kyle away, not meeting his gaze.

“You got me, Duchess,” Kyle said as they loaded him into the back of a black SUV. “But we have the other notebook.”

“We’ll get the hard drive too, don’t worry, Lieutenant Matthews,” Doug said. “Got an ETA on that SEAL team yet?”

“Working on it,” another agent said, wearing what seemed like the Agency-required stoic expression. “Should have them tracked down before nightfall.”

Kyle gave the guy the hands-free equivalent of a middle finger before returning his harsh gaze to Natalie. “Really nice, Natalie. I thought maybe you still had a heart, unlike these soulless bastards, but I guess I was mistaken.”

The scorn in his voice hit her like a slap in the face.

Unshed tears stung her eyes as she slowly made her way around the SUV. This was ridiculous. She was a professional. She shouldn’t be crying. She should be focused on why she was here, what was at stake. Catching Miles Arrieta and bringing him to justice. That was more important than her wants and needs. More important than the things she felt for Kyle. More important than anything.

She made it to the other side of the vehicle, then stopped, overhearing Doug’s words to Kyle. “You don’t have to do this the hard way. Cooperate, and you can partner with the Agency.”

“Partner with you?” Kyle snorted. “Been there, done that, got the skid marks to prove it.”

“I’m serious.”

“So am I.”

“You want the man who ordered the hit on your brother to pay, don’t you?” Doug asked, his tone frigid.

“Of course.”

“The only way to do that is for your team and the Agency to work together. To bring Arrieta into custody.”

“And if I don’t agree that working with you jokers is the best way to achieve that?” Kyle asked, his voice edged with venom. “What then?”

Doug chuckled, the sound hollow. “Well then, Lieutenant, I’ll make sure you go to prison for the rest of your life.”

Natalie held her breath, her pulse thudding loud in her ears. It had been bad enough losing Nick. To lose Kyle as well would be devastating. They might not be on friendly terms at the moment—or ever again, most likely—but knowing he was out there mattered to her.

“On what charges?” Kyle bit each word out.

“Violation of the Patriot Act. Now get in the damned SUV, Matthews,” Doug said.

This was bad. So, so bad. A charge like that would fly in the face of everything Kyle stood for. The CIA had to know it was the one accusation he would do just about anything to disprove.

“Agent Matthews,” Doug called from the passenger seat of the SUV. “We’re taking the prisoner in now. Catch a ride with one of the other agents.”

They took off before Natalie could respond.


Patriot Act, my ass.

Kyle slumped back in the hard plastic chair where he’d been sitting since they’d brought him into this dark little interrogation room. His ass had gone numb hours ago. He sighed and glanced over at the mirrored window on one side of the space, wondering who was watching him.

He wished they’d just get on with whatever the hell it was they planned to do. Wasn’t like he was going to talk or change his mind anytime soon. He had his own mission, his own objectives. And that’s why they’d arrested him. To keep him from carrying them out. Didn’t matter, though. His team had the computer. They’d keep moving forward on stopping the virus. And once Kyle got out of here, he was going to track down Arrieta in person and make sure he paid for what he’d done to Nick. Kyle only hoped Arrieta would make deadly force necessary. It was what he deserved.