Page 133 of Let It Fall

This was his salvation.

His answer.

His revenge.

He couldn't take it anymore.

He had lost.

He was crushed.

The cruel world had won.

The trauma had won.

He inhaled to say his last words.

"I give up."

A loud bang rang in his ears.

It deafened him.


No pain. No impact.

His brain caught fire.


Giselle's face misted away.

And his world turned dark.


Chapter 40

Giselle stared at Alex's face as he told her where they'd buried Xavier's dead body three days ago.

Three days. She'd been unconscious for three days. Two more days had passed since she'd opened her eyes—since she was trapped in her hospital room, unaware of what had happened that day after she hit her head. A total of five days, and there was no sign of Chris. She hated to admit that it broke her heart a little bit.

The whiteness of her room in the hospital suffocated her. Her body felt weak and ached everywhere. She reached for the bandage now crowned upon her head, assuring her that everything she remembered had, in fact, happened. That it wasn't a nightmare.

"Where is Chris?" she asked for the third time, unable to pay any attention to his words. She didn't want to believe anything unless she heard it from Chris.

Alex sighed. "He wants me to tell you about Aquaville."

Her eyebrows merged. "What doyouknow about that?"

"We were all in the same batch. If you would give me a moment—"

"I want to see Chris." Her chin wobbled.

He pursed his lips, ignoring her. "We weren't there when it all happened. We knew of their intentions, and we tried to stop them but..." His words trailed off at her sullen expressions.

Her shoulders slumped, her body weighing down. "Okay."