Page 128 of Let It Fall

She's gone, his heart survived the blow

The shadows will now sing

Though all he wants is for her to know

She's perfect to the tip of her angel wings.'

She exhaled a sharp breath and closed her eyes. Two tears rolled down her cheeks. Feeling alone and exhausted, she gave her face in her hands. A few more tears slipped out, and that was the goodbye she gave him. She'd never see him again, she'd never cry for him again, and that was it.

But her heart ached, not because she missed Xavier, but because she felt truly alone. The situation with Chris weighed down on her. All she wanted was for them to be happy together, and it hurt more because she was the happiest in those few days she'd spent with Chris. And now everything was—

A loud bang echoed through the park and vibrated down her system. Her head snapped toward the lane Xavier had gone into. Everyone ran in opposite directions at the sound of the gun going off.

She got up and ran toward him, the paper forgotten, scared Xavier might've flipped out, worried that the bodyguard had to put him down. Gruesome images surfaced through her mind as she ran.

Heart thudding against her chest, she peeked into the alley. Her insides flipped. There was a dead body. She gulped down her sickness. It wasn't Xavier. It was the bodyguard.

Afraid and nauseated, she ran to Chris. She panted and shivered as she reached his front door. She could hear grunts and thuds from the other side of the door and knew instantly where Xavier was.

"Oh no," she whispered, and without thinking, she burst inside.

Chapter 39

Black. White. Red.That's all he saw.

Anger heated his blood—blood that pooled in his eyes as he grabbed Chris's neck and slammed him into the ground.

Panic. Good.

The gun that he'd taken from the bodyguard, the one he'd used on its owner, lay on the floor beside them. Xavier wanted to feel this man's blood on his knuckles before shooting him.

He choked.

Xavier pressed down on his windpipe, fury tearing through him. The man underneath him shook with agony, thrashing, gnawing, making him smile.

He deserved to suffer.

Xavier eased his grip for a moment, letting him breathe, letting him gain hope, so he could shatter it again. Chris gasped for air, trying to push him away with his weak hands.

Xavier grinned.

This was liberating, he thought, choking him again. He didn't give a fuck anymore. Staring at his red face and bulging eyes, he wondered how he'd fled. He imagined his little sister's beautiful face and how marred it was after they were through with her. He remembered the bruises. He remembered the blood.

Everything was red.

Chris reached for the gun inches away from his fingers. Finding it hilarious, Xavier laughed as he'd never before, his grip tightening around the neck as he squeezed. Removing one hand from his salvation, he grabbed the gun and threw it across the room.

His hands were enough to wipe this filth.

He growled as Chris's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body losing the fight. Letting out a sigh of boredom, Xavier let go of him and stood back, watching him gasp and gain hope again.

Stupid humans.

He leaned against the wall and watched Chris wheeze, his body shaking, rejecting the sudden surge of oxygen. He waited patiently, grinning at his handiwork, finally feeling free to let out the beast he'd caged in.

He'd enjoy this kill.

It took a while for Chris to gain his strength. He stood slowly as if his body was broken. Rightfully so. He wiped the blood off his mouth, panting hard.