Page 115 of Let It Fall

"I've known it ever since I came back from Petrichor. Everything was different after that. When daddy told me about us, I was surprised."

Unable to speak, he raised his eyebrows in question.

She sighed, removing her hand from his mouth. "Daddy said he thought you were the perfect man for me. He wanted me to give you a chance."

He blinked several times, not knowing how to feel about that. "Is that why you're saying it? Becausehewanted this?"

"No," she said, shaking her head. "I'd refused at that time, but everything changed. I couldn't stop thinking about us. Everything you did held a different meaning to me ever since that day. It took me some time but I realized how right daddy was about you.

"I started noticing these little things about you in a way that was... It wasn't platonic. It was...more. And I wanted to hit myself because I was so stupid to not acknowledge it before. If it wasn't for daddy, I would've never realized it."

He stared at her, unable to believe the words coming out of her mouth.

"And I didn't know you loved me, Chris! Now that I look back at our life together, I can remember all the times you hinted at it and I was an idiot to not notice. But you should've told me clearly!"

"I was scared!"

"I wasn't gonna bite you."

He suppressed the urge to smirk. "That's what I was afraid of."

She pursed her lips. "You wanted me to bite you?"

It was like all the thoughts he'd repressed throughout his entire life were resurfacing, and he wanted to laugh in the bliss of this moment.

"You're grinning," she said, her smile from ear to ear, too.

He leaned down and pecked her lips once. "You sure?"

"Like death."

His brows merged, an amused smile on his lips. "That was morbid, Pigtails."

She giggled. "This is..." She exhaled. "This is peace."

"If this is peace for you, you can't even begin to imagine what it is for me."

He took her lips in his and kissed her achingly slow. When he was done, he watched her flushed face and parted lips. He gulped, afraid he'd wake up any moment from the best dream of his life.

She opened her eyes and smiled at him. "So, are you my boyfriend now?"

He played with her hair. "I'm anything you want me to be. I'm yours, Elle, if you'd have me."

She brushed her fingers along his cheek. "So, you're not my best friend anymore?"

He ran his fingers along the length of her bare arm. "I'll always be your best friend."

"So, I can tell you anything I would tell my best friend, right?"

He smiled. "Of course."

Her tone changed as she said, "You've no idea what my boyfriend just said to me! He said he wanted me to bite him! Can you imagine?"

He bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing. Clearing his throat, he said, "He sounds like a swell guy, smart-ass."

She mock-rolled her eyes. "Meh. I likeyoubetter."

He chuckled. "I don't like the word boyfriend, though."