Page 112 of Let It Fall

Thank God. "Where is he?"

"Hospital. He'll be okay."

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. Touching his forehead, she said, "You need stitches."

He shook his head. "It's not that bad."

"You're hurt."

He smirked, though barely. "You should see the other guy."

She slapped his arm. "That's not funny, Chris!"

He looked at her with raised brows. "Kicking me when I'm down. Rowdy."

She was glad at least someone could find humor in this situation.


He smiled. "Dearest..." Her heart skipped a beat.

He picked her up in his arms and steadied her on her feet. She snaked her arms around his waist and he held her tight.

"What now?" she asked.

"Now," he said into her hair, "we start fresh."

She sighed, melting in his embrace. "But first, I need you to give me the first aid box so I can clean your wounds."

"Exciting," he deadpanned, as he pulled back and led her to his bedroom.

She was still shaken but, surprisingly, a small smile stretched her lips.

Chapter 35

Aching everywhere, Chris pulled out the first-aid box from the top shelf of his cupboard and put it beside him as he sat on the bed. Giselle went into the bathroom to grab soap and water.

Chris texted Alex in the meantime and told him everything about Xavier and his whereabouts, and that the bodyguard he'd hired for Giselle was now keeping an eye on Xavier in the hospital. He received a reply instantly.

Alex: I'll handle it.

Almost running back, Giselle placed the bowl of water on the bed beside him. She moved closer and stood between his legs, only a few inches taller. She still wore his shirt and no dress ever looked this good on her, he thought. She looked at him and managed a smile.

He admired her at that moment. Knowing how shaken she was by Xavier's confession, he was surprised that she cared about Chris's wounds at all. He wished there was a first aid kit for the wounds of the heart so he could treat her as well.

"This might hurt," she said before cleaning the cut on his forehead with a clean cloth and soap.

He smiled up at her. How could anything hurt when she was this close to him?

He didn't blink, shamelessly staring. He had nothing to hide anymore, for now she knew how much he loved her. Dearest. That's what she was to him. Even though she'd never confessed her feelings, and he didn't expect her to feel anything toward him, everything had changed between them.

Her devastatingly gorgeous eyes were focused on his wound, and his brown ones traveled down her face. He looked at her lips, then her jaw, and then the shape of her neck. Wrapping his hands on the sides of her waist, he looked up at her face again.

The only reaction she gave to his touch was a slight tinge of crimson on her usually pink cheeks. How could something she did involuntarily make him so breathless?

She took a few cotton pads from the kit and placed them firmly on the wound, then secured them in place with several band-aids.

"This should work for now," she said, then looked down at him, eyes widening a little at the proximity. Licking her lips, she ran her fingers through his hair once and rested her forearms on his shoulders.