Page 80 of Shifter Salvation

He laughed then and it triggered the light around us to grow and spread.

“Your part is done, Mommy. It’s time to go back to Daddy.”

“And you?”

“I’ll be right here!” he proudly declared and rubbed my stomach. “Waiting to meet Mommy and Daddy.”

“You…won’t be lonely?” I whispered as I felt sad about leaving him. My eyes were growing heavy again, and it seemed like I was being pulled to move backwards.

“No, Mommy! I won’t be lonely,” he vowed, and he let go of me, which encouraged my body to begin to drift away.

He stood there with pride, reminding me of a little Asher, but what surprised me was watching another child skip to where he stood, until two children stood there, hand in hand. They began to wave goodbye.

“We’ll meet again, Mommy,” he proudly declared. “I’ll protect all of you.”

“Bye, Mommy!”

A son…and a daughter.


My eyes snapped open and I immediately sat up. Arms gripped my shoulders before I could attempt to stand up so abruptly.

“Breathe, Selene,” Asher encouraged, and I decided that would be a bit smart because the world was spinning far too fast.

He quickly urged me to lay back down into the black sand surface, and I focused on breathing until it didn’t feel like I was some sort of underwater Merry-Go-Round.

“Asher?” I spoke and he leaned down to kiss me before responding.


“Did…we win?”

“We’re about to find out,” he admitted. “Zero said he’s sending the results.”

I nodded and he eventually helped me sit up, but I needed to tell him before we found out the verdict.

“Asher,” I whispered, and got his full attention before leaning in to whisper in his ear, “Twins.”

He leaned back and stared at me in confusion, before his eyes widened entirely.


“Twins,” I whispered and began to smile. “A mini you…and a mini me.”

“Oh goddess,” he groaned and began to laugh. “Not a mini you.”

“What?! You’re supposed to be happy!”

“I’m happy, Baby, but I can’t handle a mini you.”

“It wouldn’t be that bad!” I gasped. “My dad handled me!”

“Your dad has the patience of a saint,” Asher acknowledged, and I laughed because it was actually true.

“Which means I shouldn’t have a problem raising them both, huh?”

Our eyes widened as we looked forward to see the very man we were speaking of.