Page 64 of Shifter Salvation

“Then why are you always around her?” I countered and waited for his answer as I crossed my arms impatiently. He couldn’t say anything, which made me smirk in triumph. “I bet you she just controls your mind or something just to fuck you over.”

“She doesn’t.”

“You wouldn’t know,” I huffed and finished the last bit of my granola bar. “If you did, you wouldn’t continue to be around her when her intentions for you are pretty bad.”

“You know this because?”

“Intuition,” I declared with pride while trying to finish chewing my snack. “Everyone says you’re a good person and seeing as you’re still on the council proves you have to be worthy enough to claim one of those spots, but I can’t figure out why you hate my guts. I’m certainly nothing close to a past love interest, so what’s the deal? Why do you despise me?”

He had nothing to say as we simply stared at one another, which left me shrugging as I turned my attention to the glass wall that showed us the various fish in this part of the training center that was underwater.

“Well, one day you tell me why…” I trailed off because the hairs on my arms began to rise, to the point I couldn’t help but look at Xenon as his eyes were massive with concern. “Um…what’s going—”

I didn’t finish because my eyes looked back at the glass wall, only for my whole body to tense up at the massive red creature I’d seen that was a second from crashing into us.

“Fuck!” Xeno curved and suddenly he was pushing me right out of the way — a second before everything shattered around us. My scream got lost in the crushing water that surrounded us in seconds, only giving me a chance to grasp as much air as I could before it felt like I was spinning out of control.

Arms wrapped around me, shielding me from whatever was happening around us until the spinning came to a stop and hands pressed on my cheeks.

I quickly opened my eyes to confirm Xenon was underwater with me — his eyes of white now glowing a vivid teal as markings began to surface all across his arms and leg. His attire of white had to be weighing him down significantly, yet he held onto me as we continued to sink further down to the bottom of what I could assume was a part of the massive oceans in East Syndicate.

He pointed upward before his voice entered my mind.

“Can you swim?”


I nodded for added emphasis before he nodded.

“Follow me. Hurry.”

He took the lead as he began to swim upward, and I followed as we fought against the heaviness surrounding us. I remember Mercury saying swimming in the oceans here was a lot harder for training purposes, which really wasn’t favoring me because I was tiring out far too fast.

It felt different in comparison to the time I’d struggled swimming to the surface of the pool back in North Syndicate. I wasn’t numb or anything. It just felt like I weighed more and lacked stamina.

C’mon, Selene. Not the time to be weak!

The self-talk wasn’t helping me, and I soon realized something was odd.


I couldn’t sense her at all, which made me feel immediate unease. It was clear this wasn’t just an accident.

We’re under attack.


I looked up to realize how far behind I was from Xenon, which made me feel an odd sense of hopelessness because I wasn’t even halfway from where he was which was close to the surface.

“What’s wrong?”

Did I really want to admit I was struggling to Xenon out of all people? No, but time was ticking and if this was an attack, I needed to tell Asher ASAP.

I feel really heavy and lack energy. I can’t sense Eira, my wolf either. I just…feel very human. I don’t know what’s going on.

He was too far up for me to see his expression, but he surprisingly began to swim back down without even taking the opportunity to get a breath of air.

Wait. You’re actually helping me? Why?