Page 58 of Shifter Salvation

“Huh?” Nova and I glanced back to see the men were silently struggling to breathe — their gasps falling on deaf ears because we literally couldn’t hear them fighting for breath. It was like they were in a cube that silenced them, but just like Nova stated, red fumes began to surround them as they coughed and dropped their guns while horror began to wash over their faces as they lifted their limbs to watch them begin to bubble and melt.

None of us spoke as we watched them literally become puddles of flesh and bone, and when every last one of them was considered dead, we all looked to Brook, who immediately put her hands up.

“Oh, hell nah. That wasn’t me! I swear.”

“Then who did that?” Nova and I asked in unison, only to look back at the sense of impending doom that faced us. “Oh.”

“Meow?!” Misty seemed happy while Kenzo muttered, “Ya, Misty. They’re doomed.”

“I swear I didn’t do anything!” I whined at the sight of a very mad Asher, who stood before me with another man who wore the same scowling expression that could probably murder someone with how intense it was.

“I didn’t do anything either,” Nova emphasized and pointed back as I did before we both declared, “It was Brook.”

“What?! How are y’all going to throw me under the bus when I only killed the first set of fuckers?”

“SEE! It was you and not me sucking up their life force with every gasping breath they took,” Nova declared with pride. “Now can you think of something so these two Alphas don’t kill us?”

“I doubt they would kill their mates, but they do look pretty mad,” Kenzo pointed out. “Where’s Beta Tobias?”

“And Beta Elliot?” Brook inquired, looking just as concerned as Kenzo was.

“Here.” The duo's response encouraged us to simply look to our right side and watch the two Betas walk out from the first gaping hole.

“Told you if Miss Novacane met Miss Selene, it would probably end in chaos,” Beta Elliot declared as he proceeded to fix his glasses.

“You did but I genuinely didn’t think it would actually happen,” Beta Tobias declared.

“That’s why Alpha Cain asked for fifteen minutes,” Beta Elliot revealed. “Figured someone would end up dead by then if you left Nova and Brooke alone to ‘stand and look pretty.’”

“I tried!” Nova exclaimed and looked back at Alpha Cain. “You can’t not take me to the winter fair over this!”

“And you can’t not take me to the store for batteries!” I acknowledged as I looked at Asher.

Neither of them were budging, which left Nova and me to lean in to whisper to one another.

“How fast can you run?”

“Speak less.”

Before we could bolt, the Alphas in question had their arms hooked around our waist before we were thrown over their shoulders.

“I told you this would happen if we met,” Asher complained.

“Honestly, I believed you, but I thought they wouldn’t actually ignite chaos by just standing there,” Alpha Cain pointed out.

“Proves we can’t leave our women alone,” Asher said and sighed.

“Agreed,” Alpha Cain noted.

“Hey!” Nova and I said in unison. “We’re innocent!”

“Right,” they said in unison, which was creepy as hell.

“Man. You guys might as well be long lost brothers,” I muttered, and Nova bobbed her head in agreement.

“They’re even the same height and build. All you gotta do is get them to have the same hair color and they’ll look the same.”

They tried to glance at us, but we purposely began whistling and humming while looking in the sky.