Page 54 of Shifter Salvation

Kenzo lightly tapped my head which encouraged me to look back at him.

“Don’t worry your pretty head,” he encouraged. “We’ll figure it out.”

“Right.” He did have a point. For now, everything was simply up in the air so there was no point in stressing over it. “We’ll also figure it out.”

“Exac…” He trailed off as his eyes went into a daze.


I tensed up thinking something was going to happen, but when Kenzo blinked out of it, he had the biggest smile on his face while his eyes softened and grew glassy.

“Kenzo? W-What? Why are you about to cry?!”

He looked at me and simply smiled like I’d made some sort of kind gesture toward him.

“Nothing,” he replied as he blinked his eyes and let those tears fall.

“Nothing?! My Fae bestie is CRYING! What did you see?!”

“Not saying.”

“No! TELL ME!”

“Never!” He sniffed which made me shake him.


“My lips are seale—”

We flinched at the explosion that happened mere steps from us. Kenzo immediately moved in front of me while his left hand rose up to create a green shimmering shield that protected us from shooting rocks.

Before we could even blink, we were surrounded by men in black suits with guns pointed our way.

“Move and you’ll be riddled with bullets,” the leader that stood a few steps before us declared with a cunning grin.

“Oh, c’mon!” I complained and tapped Kenzo’s shoulder. “Please tell me fifteen minutes passed by.”

It took him a moment to answer right away as if he was actually trying to pinpoint how much time had passed. It seemed like our new enemies were intrigued by whatever we were talking about as they leaned in further as if I hadn’t screamed out my complaint.

“Fourteen minutes and fifty-four seconds,” Kenzo announced as he glanced back to see my horrified expression. “Six seconds short.”

“NO!” I literally exclaimed. “Like are you fucking kidding me?!” They flinched at my scream that made the ground literally tremble unexpectedly, and I stomped my foot before my accusing finger was pointing to the leader, who flinched at my movement.

“YOU FUCKERS! Have you no damn sympathy?!” I cried. “FOUR MONTHS without bloody batteries and I only FINALLY GOT A PACK, only to drain those tiny, non-rechargeable shits and now need another pack! All I had to do was stand here and look fucking pretty AND Y’ALL RUINED IT!”

The poor men actually looked flabbergasted by my outcry before I growled, which made them all flinch.

“D-Don’t move!” the leader declared. “We were instructed to keep you two alive for blackmail, so shut—”

“BLACKMAIL!” I yelled, which frightened the leader, who was clearly confused by my rather manic behavior. “WHO THE FUCK CARES about blackmail?! Have you ever been sexually frustrated because the love of your life is a steamy snack that turns you on every damn moment of their breathing existence, and all you want is to enjoy pleasure by your own means, but then you don’t have bloody BATTERIES because your lover is an overprotective, jealous Alpha who’d rather make you suffer than buying the energy source for a plastic dick!?”

I could little cry and that just made me so angry that I was stomping my foot.

“I swear to fucking God, if Phyx or Juniper were here, I’d burn y’all to ash! No. Even your damn ash wouldn’t survive!” I then realized I didn’t need them to kick these fuckers’ asses. “Actually, I can fuck y’all up!”

“You’re gonna fuck us up?” a guy asked and looked around as if counting how many of them were present. “There’s a good fifty men here.”

“I don’t fucking care!” I huffed and didn’t understand why they were exchanging looks as if what I’d said was appetizing or some sort of deal maker.