Page 44 of Shifter Salvation

It spread across the ground beneath our feet. We watched in amazement as everything began to shift — plants of various shapes and sizes beginning to bloom in overtime as the dead grass beneath our feet was now alive in a dark shade of purple that illuminated with teal and pink with the movement of the warm gusts of wind that danced around us.

Asher and I reached out to hold hands we continued to be fascinated by the sudden spread of life happening right before our eyes. The trees, roses, and various plants invited intriguing wildlife. Fireflies of purple, green, orange, and teal buzzed and fluttered around the lagoon oasis as butterflies, dragonflies, and other creatures came to life.

The deep chill that was the rooted temperature in this realm was vanquished thanks to the continued flow of warm gusts that flowed throughout the lagoon and the illuminated waters and plants that only grew in strength like we’d unlocked this space’s true potential.

Nyx began to clap, drawing out attention to her first as her smile lit her whole face, which was now youthful like the rest of her body. She lifted her hand up once more to declare what our hearts were excited to hear.

“With the blessings of Mother Moon and the Shadow Realm, I pronounce Alpha Asher Anarchy and Celestial Selene Everly Anarchy as husband and wife!” She looked at Asher while gesturing to me. “You may kiss your bride!”

We turned to each other as we shared the biggest smiles are lips could muster, seconds before sharing our first official kiss as husband and wife.

Cheers and claps ignited at the move and when we broke the kiss and looked to the opposite side of Nyx, we saw the rows of individuals we didn’t expect in the slightest.

“No way,” I whispered as I quickly took in some of our loved ones — my eyes immediately catching onto Guardian, Kenzo, Azu, Mercury, Asta, and Zero. Only a glimpse at the column revealed those I didn’t expect would be present at all — Braxton, Praxton, and Diana.

Seeing Diana really left me speechless as she surprisingly sat with Father. They were clapping with pride as tears stained their cheeks, but acknowledging the fact that my family was actually here to witness this special union in the Shadow Realms left me speechless with immense gratitude.

As I took in the many Shadowborns who chanted and sang in glee, I noticed the pride in Asher’s parents as they sat in the next column of guests with many of his pack members.

I returned my gaze to Asher, noticing the twinkle in his eyes which told me he had to be involved in this.

“How?” That was all I could ask and he obviously didn’t mind telling me.

“When Alpha Azu protected many Shadowborns from their demise when I was a child, he was privileged with the right to come to the Shadow Realm. With such privilege, he’s allowed to invite as many Shadowborns and shifters as he’d like as long as they go through the same rituals we did to come and remain here while keeping our bodies intact. The catch was being able to find enough individuals who could watch our bodies for this occasion.”

“Wait,” I whispered and now understood. “That’s why we left Phyx, Juniper, Eira, Axel, and Abyss.”

He nodded and pulled me against him before he kissed me again.

“It was a risky move on my part, but with the help of Nyx, it clearly worked out.”

"You knew I wanted to marry you right away in the Shadow Realm so you plotted this before we even got to Nyx’s, didn’t you?” It was a silly question because I could literally sense his intentions like I had my own section in his mind which made his emotions filter through my mind and body feel effortless to decipher and understand.

“It was one of the reasons why I needed those Dusks to be a distraction,” he revealed, which shocked me.

“Wait. Those Dusks weren’t random?”

“They were not,” he revealed. “I had to pull some strings from an Alpha from Tainted Syndicate and his fiancé, though the knight Dusk wasn’t a part of the plan. Nor was you going all Celestial and summoning Phyrra.”

“Oh, right.” I blushed at that but had my arms hooked around his neck the next second. “You had confidence that I’d marry you.”

“There was no doubt about you marrying me, Selene,” he voiced. “I was confident that you’d become an Anarchy. I just needed to find the reminder of what I’m fighting for,” he revealed and kissed me. “You aided in reviving my drive, and our union clearly proves we can make this world into a world that will empower our kind until we can fully rise into the immortal beings were destined to become.”

We kissed again before we laughed and hugged each other.

“So, celebration time?” I offered, excited to embrace this moment with him, my husband.

“Let’s celebrate, my wife,” he encouraged and leaned in to whisper, “So I can ravish you the rest of the night without a single disturbance.”

The man knows how to send anyone’s heart into tachycardia.

With a squeeze of our joined hands, we walked towards our loved ones, ready to embrace this moment we’d been unexpectedly blessed with, and I knew the moment we returned to the surface world, I’d do everything in my power to take down our enemy before they could attempt to destroy another supernatural race.

I’ve finally found my strive to continue this journey toward salvation.


A Night To Remember