Page 41 of Shifter Salvation

“Gift?” I inquired and let go of him so he could look around to make sure no one was around.

“Don’t tell anyone,” he stressed and placed his finger on his lips to emphasize his words.

“Secret safe with me!” I vowed. “Now show the goods before Nyx gets back.”

He retrieved two things from the inner pockets of his suit jacket, and I had to give him a ‘what the fuck’ look because no way was these rectangle boxes coming from his damn ass pockets.

“What voodoo juju do your pockets…O.M.G!” I squealed and quickly muffled the sound with my hands before I was staring at Kenzo like he’d cured world hunger.

“Is…Is that Bluey?”

“Yup,” he declared with pride and showed the vibrator I thought was lost in some hidden drawer somewhere in Asher’s office. “Now Bluey got a new friend. Selene. Meet Pinky.”

He turned the pink box and my muffled scream was so damn loud, he had to shush me to stop as I jumped up and down.

“A tentacle vibrator!!!” I hissed in glee and was now jumping circles around him. “Please tell me it’s rechargeable? Please, please, please!”

“Well, it is, but may not be able to use it here,” he voiced but quickly added, “I think it’s charged though. Just to recharge it, you need the sun.”

“It’s solar-powered?” I was impressed.

“I was going to get the battery version but figured you were tired of begging for those things, so solar-powered was the best thing.”

“See? This is exactly why we’re best friends!” I cheered.

“I would have brought batteries for Bluey but I ran out of time. It was hard enough to bring these with me in spiritual form.

“You did you manage that?”

“Fae secrets,” he declared with a wink. “I’ll tell you when u come to visit Faerie.”

“I’d love to come over.” Just the idea made me excited. “Maybe it’ll help me be inspired so I can help the Shadow Realm.”

“I honestly think you’ll figure out what you want for this world before then,” Kenzo assured me. “Ready to go get married to Alpha?”

His words made me blow out a breath as I tried not to be so overjoyed at the fact I was about to do this.

“This feels almost unreal,” I whispered. “I’m marrying Alpha Asher.”

“Who would have that, huh?” He gave me an appreciative grin. “Enemies to lovers.”

I rolled my eyes.

“What a romantic tale between Alpha and pup.”

Kenzo laughed.

“I’ll get as many pictures as I can,” he declared. “I got permission to take some so you can get them framed and hung for whatever place we reside once all of this is over.”

“Kenzo.” I really was getting emotional with how invested he was in this. “Thank you for caring.”

“That’s what best friends do,” he assured me once more. “Let’s go?”

He put the vibrators back in those magical pockets of his before offering his hand.

Placing mine in his, we set off to the Lagoon where I’d walk in as a mated Shadowborn and leave as the wife of Alpha Asher.

Then the world will be forced to acknowledge me, Mrs. Anarchy.