Page 16 of Shifter Salvation

“To be honest, I feel they were envious that the Fae had moved so swiftly, which pushed them to test and see how powerful they could possibly be. I think they wanted to blackmail them to make them cower or possibly control them so they could get a glimpse of their blueprints to copy and use for their own rise, but they found out rather quickly, you don’t mess with the Fae,” Asher finished with a chuckle. “They are a ruthless kind who are not merciful as we. I always praised my parents for being so loving even as an overpowering shifter race matched with their positions, but when they died…” He paused for a moment and sighed. “I wished they’d been ruthless savages like many of our kind begged for them to become.”

“You regret them being merciful.”

“If they weren’t, they would still be alive,” he stated as if he knew deep down that it was the truth.


He stared into my eyes.

“Are they alive?” I couldn’t even say the words as if I feared jinxing it, so I mouthed them. The way he returned my gaze while he forced his mouth to remain closed only gave me a fraction of hope before he glanced away.

“Even I’m not sure,” he finally confessed, and yet I felt like deep within, he wished they were.

That he could see them again like I had seen my father.

“We’ll figure it out,” I assured him and held his hand tightly which encouraged him to look at me once more. My eyes pleaded with him to not lose hope. “Together.”

He smiled then as his eyes softened, and he held my hand as tightly as he could.

“Urgent. Dusks upon the horizon. Dusks upon the horizon,”Sapphire announced, which drew our attention to my screen before Ruby beeped.

“Level Three Dusks on approaching road. 3 km ahead. Warning. Four Level Three Dusks approaching.”

"F-Four?!” I gasped and let go of Asher’s hand. He did the same and was quickly tapping his dashboard.

“Well, didn’t think they would welcome us so soon.” Asher didn’t even sound nervous as continued pressing buttons. “Ruby, alert Zero and Asta of the Dusks. We’re not going to intercept. We’ll avoid them at all costs.”

“Understood. Sending communication signals now.”

“We’re not fighting?” I questioned and looked at him like he was crazy before pointing ahead just as the last specks of the sunset were blocked by the massive Dusks at the “end” of the road. “So you don’t see the four Dusks over there blocking our path because I do, and I don’t think we can get away with not intercepting them.”

He still remained calm as leaned back and shrugged.

“Like I said, we ain’t doing anything. Our goal is to get to the portal which is a close distance after we get through those Dusks.”

“So we’re driving through them?”


“Alpha.” I pouted my lips and gave him a “please save my panicked soul and tell me what the game plan is before I go insane” type of look.

“You won’t need to lift a finger.”

I blinked once and inched my head slightly to confirm Abyss's standing frame as he stood at the tip of Ruby’s seat — his massive scythe resting casually on his shoulders like it didn’t weigh a ton.

“Abyss!” I declared, and I felt Eira’s intrigue as her mismatched eyes opened to acknowledge her counterpart.

“I’ll handle them for it seems like this diversion was plotted to determine Asher’s whereabouts.”

“Wait, really?” I looked at Alpha in question as he bobbed his head.

“They wish for me to engage but I’ve put myself in a bit of a ‘Do Not Disturb’ state of mind so none of the council can reach me.”

“Not even Zero or Asta?” I was surprised he was willing to do that. “Why? What if we need backup?”

“The moment you and I specifically involve ourselves in this battle, we’ll be either summoned by the High Council as a special request from the Mortem Council of Supernaturals for a brief discussion about our reasoning for confronting the dusks without requesting further aid, or Zed himself will come down here to confront us, which we don’t have time for,” he explained. “The goal is to get to Nyx and off the radar. This entire time we haven’t been tracked and both Sapphire and Ruby are in Stealth mode.”

“Stealth mode?”When did I put that on?“But how are they sending signals?”