Page 77 of Shifter Salvation

“We’re having a boy,” he whispered so sweetly, I could cry again.

I swear it had to be the pregnancy hormones at work.

“Are you actually happy?” I quietly asked.

“Very happy, Selene.”

He meant it. I felt it down to the core.

“So if Guardian and the twins are locating Zed’s body, then why are we in a bubble?”

“Waiting for him to come try to kill you,” Asher revealed. “The markings on my body make it so I can’t be seen.”

“But I can,” I voiced. “So I’m in the middle of a bubble, chilling in a field, waiting for Zed to come kill me,” I summarized. “Well, shit. If that ain’t suspicious at all.”

“You don’t think he’ll take the bait?”

“If he does, it would be the stupidest way to catch an enemy,” I voiced. “It sounds too easy though. He comes to kill me and what? We trap him in a bubble or something?”

“No.” Asher shook his head. “Your father has to kill him.”

“Huh?” I needed a second. “Wait. Xenon mentioned something about Zed only being killed by one person.”

“Yes, your dad,” Asher revealed. “Your dad was the one to save him, so now he has to be the one to kill him in the same way he’d saved him.”

“I’m confused.”

“I was too, but Zero said all we have to do is sit here and wait for the attack. Then, when he arrives, all you have to do is focus on wishing your father will have another chance at life.”

“I’m going to try to revive my dad?”

It actually didn’t seem hard though it sounded preposterous, obviously.

“The first risen candidate,” he offered. “We have a backup plan, but I think you can handle it.”

“And when Dad is revived, he’ll kill Zed?” I needed a moment to think about it. “Wouldn’t Zed be immortal or just return here in the Shadow Realm if he perishes before his time?”

“That’s right,” Asher began but smiled. “Unless we strip him of his Shadowborn abilities.”


“It’s a gift only Zero Minovera can use,” he revealed and leaned in close. “When your father is revived and pulled out of the Shadow Realm, Zed will return to his body to follow but Guardian and your brothers will be there, ready to seal him, and that will give Zero the chance to strip him of his rank.”

“And then our enemy is finally out of the way.” It seemed too good. I was waiting for it to fuck up or something. “What about the Dusk attacks?”

“Alpha Cain and Novacane are handling it,” he assured me. “They’re battling their own battle, but the timing of everything seems flawless enough that we’re taking them down at the same time. Asta’s in charge of helping them out.

“Damn. We’re literally here. At the edge of our salvation.”

“The salvation of all the shifters who were slain unnecessarily,” he whispered. “We’ll finally bring Zed to an end like all the others whose efforts were to throw our world into vain and misery.”

“What about Cinder?” I whispered and couldn’t hide how distraught I was about finding out the truth. “She…”

“Was the culprit behind the Beta killings. She also seems to be the one who tried to attack you when you saved Beta Tobias. She was injured by Zed’s attack, but Theo killed her.”

“Theo… So he’s gone?”

“We’re hoping he’s simply returned to the depths of hell in his position. From Phyrra’s words, he’s good seeing as gods and goddesses can’t die.”