Page 62 of Shifter Salvation

“Horrendous,” she commented but smiled. “Kenzo has been taking lots of photos.”

“He really should become a photographer as a side gig. He’s really good at it. He knows how to blend with his surroundings and get scenes you’d never think would happen. Yesterday he took a pic of two fish fighting with tiny pincer feet. It was a wild shot.”

“I bet when it’s in 4K HD,” she acknowledged. “Go for your break. I’ll be here.”

“Thank you, Mercury,” I bowed my head. “I’ve really been enjoying these sessions.”

“I’m glad,” she assured me.

I moved to her side to whisper, “No matter where the venue is, I was wondering if you’d like to be my maid of honor?”

Her eyes practically bugged out of her sockets as she leaned back to stare at me before pointing to herself.


“Yes, you!” I loved how flustered she was getting at the proposition. “Obviously Kenzo cant be my maid of honor so I asked if it would be possible if you could be, but I told Asher I’d personally ask you.”

“But…what about the fire friend?”

“You mean Cinder? I’m honestly not sure yet if she can make it honestly. I’ve looped her in with Theo, but she said if the wedding is later in the year, she may not be able to attend. Couldn’t really tell me why.”

“You seem disappointed by that,” she acknowledged.

“Well, I am a little bit, but not necessarily revolving around her not being there. I don’t know. I think she’s kinda distancing herself from us and it feels odd? I thought after the Level Six Dusk incident, we’d have a strong bond like what I have with Kenzo, but it seemed to pull us apart further. In a way, I feel like I should be more hurt by it, but at the same time, I am kind of fine with it, too? I’m not sure honestly.”

“Sometimes people are in your life for a specific moment before you both move on to different paths,” she confessed.

“I agree with you,” I admitted. “Maybe that’s what happening, and I respect her enough to let her go if that’s what Mother Moon wishes for us, but it still bothers me a little.”

“Which is fine and normal,” she emphasized. “With time, you’ll figure it out, but until then, I’d happily be your maid of honor.”

“Really?” I squealed and watched her blush further as she slowly nodded. “It’s been a while since I’ve worn a dress.”

“AH!” I jumped up and down and hugged her. “Thank you, Mercury!”

“D-Don’t need to be so happy,” she stuttered but ended up hugging me back. “Go break.”

“Yes, yes,” I replied after giving her one more squeeze.

As of now, twelve weeks had gone by since we arrived at East Syndicate and aside from training, everything had been rather calm in nature — which was odd. It felt like something big was going to happen and we were waiting for that big moment that would push us into a Shifter War, but as of now, that anticipation was simply building because no one could predict what was going to happen next.

Seers couldn’t get a grasp of the future when it came to Shifter Syndicate, which usually was an indication that change was coming, but despite all the warnings that something was on the horizon, I couldn’t figure out Zed’s true motive.

Was it out of jealousy that he betrayed my father, or was his motive to rule as a sole King so strong he’d do anything to achieve it? Everything seemed a bit hasty, which left me more confused because if Zed was willing to wait years to begin executing this diabolical plan with experimental Dusks and the need to make the syndicates crumble, why rush now?

What does he fear is going to happen to prevent him from the future he seeks aside from us?

My break wasn’t long, just enough to do a little walk and eat four blueberry seaweed bars —yum yum.Walking through one of the tunnels, I got halfway before I caught onto Azu and surprisingly Xenon.

“Bleu,” Azu began as he approached while Xenon paused in the sight of me. I bet he was going to turn right around so he wouldn’t need to be near me, but he ended up following Azu who greeted me with a hug. “What are you eating?”

“Blueberry seaweed bars!” I proudly declared and showed him the fifth bar that I’d nibbled on. “I’d share, but I’m still hungry.”

“Still hungry?” Azu inquired with an amused grin. “How many of those did you eat?”

“Four?” I shyly offered and tried to hide the one in my grasp. “Don’t tell Asher I’m obsessed or he’ll make sure I never eat them again.”

Azu laughed. “I have a strong feeling he’s aware of your obsession.”