Page 56 of Shifter Salvation

“No!” Brook groaned. “You can’t go petting random kitties in alleyways! What if it’s a trap?”

“So the men in black with pointing guns weren’t a trap?” Novacane inquired, clearly ignoring the Brook woman’s advice because she began walking right toward us. I couldn’t even see the kitten she was speaking of, which I had a strong hunch was Misty.

I exchanged a look with Kenzo, and we both began looking in front of us to see if we could spot Misty because clearly, we weren’t visible to these two women. My eyes caught onto the kitten for a second, which encouraged me to walk forward, crouch down, and reach out for her.

“I knew it was you, Misty,” I declared as my hands caught onto the kitten, just as another pair of hands landed upon mine.


My eyes locked onto the red-eyed woman, and the two of us blinked at one another as if we’d just recognized each other’s existence.

“EH? Where did those two come from?” Brook screeched and lifted her hands in a defensive position.

I glanced back to see Kenzo standing there rather calmly as he looked at the Brook woman specifically.

“You’re a Dusk hybrid?” Kenzo inquired right away which, surprised the woman and she gasped in shock.

“How are you able to tell like that?” she demanded.

“I’m a Fae Shadowborn,” Kenzo declared. “It’s not too hard. But your energy isn’t as negative as a Dusk’s.”

“Of course!” Brook almost sounded insulted. “Not all Dusks are bad, you know!”

“I don’t, sadly,” he admitted. “Not to say there aren’t good ones in the world. I just haven’t encountered them.”

“Well, we’re good hybrids!” Brook declared and pointed to her friend. “Novacane doesn’t hurt anyone unless they’re rude, cocky, selfish, stupid, or think women are weak!”

“So about ninety-nine percent of the male shifter population,” I summed up. “Seems about right.”

“Exactly!” Novacane declared. “Another individual who understands our thought process. Intriguing.”

We rose up together while Misty was still in our gasp.


“This is Misty. She clearly likes to be a mischievous kitty,” I declared as the kitten in question beamed at the attention before she was gone in a blink. “Oh shit. Where did she go?”

“Ah! She’s on my head!” Brook declared. She stood completely still as if Misty was a bee. “I’m gonna be killed by a blue kitten!”

“Hang on,” Kenzo said with a wide grin as he casually walked around the bodies on the ground to go help Brook out.

“What are you two doing here anyways?” Novacane decided to ask. “This is mafia territory.”

“We’re aware,” I admitted and pointed to the gaping hole in the side of the building. “My husband is in there negotiating with the head of the Italian mafia or something.”

“Wait. Husband?” She tilted her head. “Are you Alpha Asher’s woman?”

“You know Alpha Asher?” I inquired.

“Not personally, but my fiancée does. Alpha Cain of Tainted Syndicate,” she revealed. “They’re good acquaintances but don’t get to meet often since everyone always thinks the world is coming to an end or something.”

“No way! You’re the new pup recruit that gets in the same amount of trouble as me?” I gasped.

“Now who’s running their mouth like that?” she whined. “I know I normally invite destruction and madness wherever I go, but you have to acknowledge it’s not intentional!”

“Right?!” I agreed. “I was standing right here with Kenzo, minding out businesses as good little pups, and we got attacked! For no reason!”

“Your existence is their reason to try to kill you,” she complained. “I can’t believe simply breathing pisses people off.”