Page 39 of Shifter Salvation

“Wait,” I voiced and got their attention. “Did Azu and Mercury actually agree to rise upon the council?”

That seemed surprising to Kenzo because he looked at me and then at Nyx. “Alpha Azu and Beta Mercury are joining the council?”

“Ya! I just found out,” I voiced.

“They have both agreed to take the positions only if Asher and Selene are accepting theirs,” Nyx revealed.

“Well, if it’s Asta, Zero, Azu, Mercury, Asher, myself, and Xenon, I guess I have enough allies that will ensure I’m not killed by those deadly nails of Xeno’s.”

“He’s still left on the council?” Kenzo cringed before he added, “I’d never let him put a hand on you.”

“Too bad you won’t be able to stick around,” I confessed as my shoulders slumped at the realization.

Now that the Syndicate’s future was up in the air, what would happen to my friendship with Kenzo?

By joining the High Council, I’d have no choice but to participate in the schedule given to me, which means I wouldn’t get to always train with Kenzo or even be around him on the regular.

Does that mean we won’t see each other anymore?

"Hey, now.” Kenzo placed his hands on my shoulders, encouraging me to lift my head up. “We’ll still be besties. I know duty may call at any time which means it’ll be hard for us to hang out with one another as we have been being in the same Syndicate, but there are other ways of communicating. Phones, email, or a good old written letter."

It was his turn to hug me before he whispered, “We’re always going to be best friends.” Then he pulled back to give me a full-on smile. “Plus, I wanna be an uncle!”

“An uncle?!” I gasped and playfully slapped his chest while he laughed.

“I’d ensure he or she is the best dressed in all the lands every day,” he continued to tease me as he elbowed my arm. “You’re getting married which means, wedding night.”

All I could be blush while Nyx seemed pleased with our interaction.

“If your concern is revolving around you two needing to be distance because of Selene’s position advancement, I’ll be the first to say it’s unnecessary.”

“It is?” I inquired and exchanged a look with Kenzo as we both waited patiently for her response.

“If Selene has the intention of rising up to the High Chair, she’s allowed to have a Beta,” she revealed and eyes lit up at the mere possibility. “Asta and Zero obviously have one another so it’s unnecessary for them to have a Beta, though they do have knights that aid them in certain areas. I already told you Xeno’s Beta is abroad right now, and with Azu and Mercury, they have one another. Tobias will still remain Asher’s Beta no matter the Syndicate’s future, so I’m positive you’d be eligible to have a Beta on your side and eventually a pack of your own if you so wished.”

“Kenzo!” I beamed. “You’re gonna be my Beta! WAIT. D-Do you want to be my Beta?”

“So I can have an excuse to be by your side all the time so we can make fun of Xeno and anyone else that thinks they can stand a chance messing with you?” he offered. “I’ll be damned if I wasn’t on the Beta wagon for my bestie Shadowling!” He looked so damn happy. “Sign me up! Beta Kenzo reporting for duty!”

We laughed before we hugged one more time.

“I’ll go inform the Elders,” Nyx announced and headed for the exit while Kenzo faced me before grabbing my hands.

“C’mon! You have a marriage ceremony to attend,” he declared and squeezed my hands. “I’m happy you decided to do this before we go back.”


He looked around as if to make sure no one else was around before his eyes shimmered and went into a daze for a full minute before he was back.

“Those who wish to end our rise want to break you and Asher up. I’m not sure what they were planning to try and be successful, but if we went to East Syndicate as we are, I don’t think it would have ended well,” he confessed. “I sense death. One that wouldn’t be the least expected and triggered major backlash. Whatever it would be, would make it hard for you two to marry, especially with our new positions on the horizon.”

“Interesting,” I whispered, wondering what possibly would happen to stop us from marrying in the shifter realms.

“Either way, I think you’ve avoided it by getting married now. I’ve never seen a Shadowborn marriage ceremony before, but I’ve heard it’s very sacred and powerful. You’ll unlock powers you never thought you had, and you can exchange energies with Asher easily,” he revealed and bobbed his head to validate my decision. “I also think it’ll really empower you to present yourself the way you’ve wanted.”

“I hope so,” I admitted. “Ever since the whole fiasco where you and Cinder left…things have felt so uncertain.”

I explained to him briefly the memories I’d recalled about Zed and the bandaged red man we’d encountered during the Level Six Dusk fight.