Page 37 of Shifter Salvation

Since then, we’ve explored various areas — the majority of them incomplete. It reminded me of a dream world where places started to build and blossom into unique forests, waterfalls, lagoons, and even cities, but then it stopped dramatically.

Like those visions of serenity faded away.

“Not at all, Darling,” Nyx reassured me. “I’m obviously here. for the wedding ceremony. Someone needs to bless you two within the Lagoon of Shadows.”

“Then who’s protecting our bodies? Including yours?” I pondered.

“I don’t need to be unconscious to delve into the Shadow Realm, Darling,” she revealed to me with a loving smile. “My wolf is in control and having a lovely conversation with the Goddess you summoned. She’s also helping the entities and your wolves.”

“They’re awake?” I was already intrigued.

“Yes. They can function independently in that specific space because of how I’ve built and manipulated the energies. On the first day, I allowed them all to rest, since they seemed to need it. Then, I’ve been training each of them in the areas they wish to develop in.”

“Really?” I reached out to hold her hands as my appreciation was all over my face. “Nyx. You didn’t have to do that. It’s not even your responsibility.”

“Why not?” she countered. “The both of you came to me for refuge and sought to grow. If I can help you both achieve the level of power, confidence, and determination to defeat the enemies that are hungry to destroy us all, am I not doing my purpose in this world?”


She smiled and squeezed my hands before directing me to sit down so she could ensure the face paint and attire was perfect for what was to come.

“I know it’s difficult to rely on others in our world, but I wish for you all to succeed and take down our enemies before they become a threat to us all.”

“If our absence is making them talk a lot, do you think they’ll make a move?”

“If they do, it would be wasteful unless they’re aiming for one of the other Syndicates,” Nyx emphasized. “With the Dusks attacks and missing wolves growing by the hour, the High Council has come to the decision that changes need to be made.”

“Changes as in?”

“The Council will no longer be made up of fourteen individuals,” she announced, which surprised me. “They’ll be only seven. Three who are already on the council and four new members.”

“Four new ones?” That had me thinking of who could they bring to the table while I tried to figure out the three that were already on the council. “Asta and Zero are obviously remaining on the council, so who’s the third one that’s staying?”


“Awww,” I didn’t hide my disappointment. “He hates me.”

“He envies your power,” she corrected. “You showed him sides of power and confidence he’s never been able to embody which upsets him. He’s not a communicator, but a follower. If he doesn’t have someone to lead him down the right path, he’s easily manipulated.”

Easily manipulated…wait!

“Recently I had a confrontation with him and Amaya,” I voiced with a bit of urgency as Eira’s comment filtered through my mind from back then. “Eira mentioned that she was protecting me from Amaya’s mind control. Do you think she’s using him or do they actually like one another?”

“Hmm?” Nyx actually looked stumped as she walked around me before taking a seat on the miniature black stool. “Xenon and Amaya can’t be a thing.”

“Wait. Why not?” I didn’t understand.

“Asher was Amaya’s second chance mate,” she announced. “Amaya was previously rejected by her first mate long ago. He was absolutely disgusted by her entitled behavior and that he tried to mentally manipulate him. He rejected her and left the Syndicate to pursue something in shifter politics.”

“Wait. So you’re literally saying Amaya can’t have any more mates,” I concluded.

“Exactly that,” she stressed.

“Then why is she with Xenon?”

"Again, she can’t be with him.” Nyx shook her head. “Xenon is gay.”
