Page 80 of Demon Valley Marked

I firmly nodded in understand as I took a deep breath and let it out. As important as it was to reunite with my sister so we could figure out the truth of our heritage and why we were being sought after, I needed to ensure my pack was safe first.

That our crowns are secured as we awaken the new version of Demon Valley.

“Then please keep me posted,” I urged him and grinned proudly. “I’ll bring Malifer back.”

“I know you will.” He’d never looked prouder.

“None of you are going to succeed,” Laura dared to say. “A little magic trick doesn’t do shit! You can’t kill me, and taking me with you is only bringing Baker exactly where he needs to be! Baker humiliated Alpha last time. He won’t be able to handle Baker in actual battle where there’s no consequences. This is all a losing game! Give up already!”

“You talk so much,” I groaned and spun around to grab her chain before crouching down in one graceful movement.

She looked like a dear in headlights as she stuttered, “W-W-What you going to do? Kill m—”

I summoned a blade in my grasp and watched the horror in her eyes as I stated with an emotionless voice, “No. I’m not going to kill you. I’ll do this instead.”

I cut her tongue right out of her mouth.

“Oh shit,” Felix and Fynn gasped and Colton clapped his hands.

“Now that’s how you silence a bitch. Would have been nicer if you threw a javelin into her chest as payback, but that will do for now,” he cheered.

I let her watch the organ I’d just sliced off wiggled in my hand before it was consumed by dark flames. Then I was up and brushing off my hands.

“Voodoo fleet,” I summoned. “Assemble.”

“ViViVo!” They all swiftly gathered at my feet with their rocking horses in tow. Only Zasper was missing a rocking creature as he walked forward to stand right before his lined dolls.

I smiled at their quickness before I made sure to do a headcount.

“Excellent. All of you are here.” This was going to be a long shot, but with how powerful I felt with Lily’s presence within my body, I surmised I could put my imagination and magic to work.

Pointing to the first doll at left end of the line, I got right to work.

“Zackery,”I began and let the shadow energy that oozed from my tongue trigger the image I carried for the doll in question. The name ignited a firework of energy that wrapped around the doll and began to change his appearance entirely.

I didn’t wait for his transformation to be complete before I moved on to the next in line.

“Zion, Zayn, Zyaire, Zeke, Zavier, Zadok, Zakiel, Zalomon, Zariah, Zebadiah, Zeno, Zeos, Zhong, Zeus, Zixin, Zsolt, Zoltran, Zundel, and Zaccheus.”

By the time their transformation was complete, everyone was watching in amazement as the voodoo dolls were now gallant men in black armor. Their weapons were of metallic red, which matched the saddles and reins for their steeds that were no longer rocking horses.

The horses were made up of dark energy, their bodies pulsing with the inky essence while their cries of impatience echoed like pipe organs. The men lifted their free hands up in salute as they awaited my orders.

“Meet me at the mass grave. I’m sure you know what I’m referring to,” I emphasized and offered Zackery the chain that was attached to Laura. “Tug this betrayer with you. The chain can extend to whatever length you wish. She can’t die, so feel free to give her a thrilling experience.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” he boldly declared and made the first move with his horse in tow to take the chain from my grasp. Without delay, they pulled onto the reins of their horses and took off in opposite directions, so they could move around our group, and headed to the mass grave beyond the Forest of Infinite Souls.

I hadn’t mentally prepared for us to return there, but no longer was I trying to survive a trial.

I need to go back to where all of this began.… That’s where Malifer is.


I peered down to see Zasper patiently waiting for me. I couldn’t wait for him to be reunited with Momo, just like I couldn’t wait to be in my Alpha’s arms again.

For us to be as one and express our love the right way.

“Zasper,”I began and watched his transformation unfold before my very eyes until a tall man wearing striking purple armor with red accents appeared before me. His hair of black was long and moved with the gust of wind that passed us, while his flesh was a flawless shade of ebony but held a hint of silver shimmer to it.