Page 78 of Demon Valley Marked

“VIVIVO!” Zasper declared as he slid down Wallas’s arm and dropped down to the ground. The other armored dolls swiftly wrapped around Zasper, as if they were trying to have a group discussion, but without delay, they revealed what was now in Zasper’s grasp.

One of the night lilies.

“There!” the girl cheered and giggled. “That one! There’s a bunch on the hill! I saw them with Wallas’s girlfriend!”

“Girlfriend?” Felix, Fynn, Colton, and I all said in unison before we all looked at Wallas, who actually looked flustered at the sudden statement. He swiftly cleared his throat.

“Master Gaia,” he corrected.

The little girl giggled and clapped her hands. “Your girlfriend!”

“ViViVo!” Zasper and the others agreed and began to dance at the mere idea. The fact Wallas didn’t bother arguing made me want to giggle, but I held off my enjoyment and proceeded to walk forward until I was before Zasper.

“ViViVo?” Zasper looked up at me before he lifted the lily up as if to present it to me. The rest of the dolls surrounded me and began to quietly sing the same lullaby Momo would.

Taking the lily out of his grasp, I stared at this beauty and closed my eyes while I did what Colton had instructed me earlier to do, my mind zoning the world out as I envisioned Alpha Malifer.

Any words that were being muttered around me faded entirely, until it felt like I stood in a field of these exactly night lilies. Their glow was mesmorizing, but it didn’t steal my attention from the man standing in the middle of it all.

Bare and proud, he peered up to the starry sky where a full moon resided, and for a moment, my heart stopped because the view only reminded me of the In-Between.

The place between life and death.

My fear projected in a way that made a strong gust rush through the field of night lilies, and it was enough to encourage Alpha Malifer to look over his shoulder and meet my gaze.

For a moment, nothing else mattered.

All I could do was envision myself running towards him, until he had no choice but to turn his body to face my way.

“Lexianne?”His voice was so calm compared to my panic, but all I could do was tackle him with a hug.

“Don’t go,” I begged him and hugged him as tightly as I could. “I’m coming. I promise… I’m coming. Just a few more minutes. Your pack needs to trust me, but they believe in you. They believe we can make the valley just like how you envision and more.”

I pulled back to look into his eyes as he stared back into my glassy ones.

“They just need a glimpse of what we can do… but…” I struggled to speak. “You’re not here.”

His gaze softened as he leaned in until our foreheads pressed together.

“Sweet Lex.”I already missed his voice.“We’re bonded. I’m always with you. Did you forget?”

“But… you’re going!” I stressed. “You can’t go. You can’t leave me.”

“I’ll wait as long as I need to, Sweet Lex,”he assured me with pride.“Just find me.”

With that, his lips very softly pressed against mine as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Just like that, I was back in the present, and my eyes opened as that very teardrop left the edge of my cheek and dropped onto the night lily.

The action triggered a glow that began to grow stronger and brighter, to the point I had to squint my eyes while the side of my neck burned furiously in return.

All I could do was close my eyes against the brillant light that exploded around us, and the gasps that sounded from the reaction were followed with awes of shock, which encouraged me to open my eyes to see what had just happened.

My eyes only widened as I slowly rose up—the single lily that was in my grasp now gone but the entire field covered in nothing but the flowers. They glowed in harmony while tiny beads of black, purple, and white light drifted upward towards the black sky.

Their aroma was amazing, the mix of lavender, sage, and a speck of cinnamon only reminding me of Alpha Malifer’s scent that was mixed with my usual aroma. It was a sight you’d never think could occur in this world of desolation, and yet everyone could see what was surrounding us.

Which was the field of demons beginning to bow, one by one.