Page 68 of Demon Valley Marked

“There we go,” he began with an added nod as he disappeared from his chair the next second. “Where do we need to go?”

“Huh?” I asked as the dolls all stared at Colton in confusion.

“You were asking where Alpha Malifer is so I’m going to assume we have to go see him, right?” he inquired as he gave me a good up and down look as if to make sure I was in one piece. “You were talking in your sleep and whimpering but I didn’t want to wake you up just in case Alpha Malifer was messing with you.”

“Messing with me?” I questioned in hopes he’d elaborate on that comment.

“Messing with us means he’s giving us nightmares to torture us for being assholes. That’s what Felix and Fynn explained upon my arrival earlier, but for you, I assumed you two were getting it on.”

“Getting… it on?”


“Why… Actually, don’t answer that.” I dropped it the moment the corners of his lips began to rise. That had to indicate he had a total hypothesis as to why he’d assume I was being fucked into oblivion from muttering words and whimpers.

“If you two weren’t having sex, why do you need him?” Colton inquired innocently.

“He’s in danger! Or well… maybe not… but ugh! I need a moment to think,” I confessed.

“ViViVo!” Zasper announced and the others cheered before they proceeded to get off my lap. I was only going to assume they were trying to give me space, and I was honestly thankful for it because I needed to focus so I didn’t forget what I’d just experienced in dreamland.

I was already starting to forget what had been shared, which left me to ruffle my hair and bite my lip in pure frustration. “Fuck! I can’t forget. I can’t forget!”

I was off the bed and pacing quickly back and forth, the frantic flood of worry beginning to suffocate me. What occurred in the dream was so important, so vital that Alpha Malifer’s life felt like it was on the line, and yet I was struggling to remember.

I tried to reach out to Lily but I couldn’t feel her essence, while Xiao was wrapped in a ball in deep sleep which meant she wouldn’t have a clue what I was talking about if I did wake her up. My duty was to remember and maybe that was why Malifer—my Alpha and mate—confided in me to help him.

He sacrificed something just for me. He… he… What did he bargain in exchange for helping me. What did he give me in return? Please. Please! I can’t let this information slip away.

The panic bubbled within me, boiling and rising until it felt like my whole world was caving in. This imbalance always frightened me the most—the state of my mind where everything tossed and turned because I couldn’t put the pieces together to make a solid plan of action.

It was so fucked up—at least if I tried to explain it to anyone else, they would assume my thought process was fucking madness—but it was the little things that meant nothing to one that aided me in tackling all I’d experienced since I was but a child.

Summoning Gaia without a solid plan would be useless and put even more pressure on my heavy shoulders, which left me feeling stuck—trapped—while this invisible clock of significance was counting down the minutes until something bad would happen.

And that bad would affect everyone in the valley.

“Lexianne?” Colton called to me, but I completely ignored him as my pacing seemed to get faster and faster. I’d combed my hands through my hair far too many times already, and my breathing was so irregular, I surly sounded like I was running through this room instead of speed walking.

My palms were clammy and felt like they were on fire, while beads of sweat were already covering on my forehead. I bet my skin was as pale as a ghost, which could have been why my surroundings were spinning and felt like I’d walked into a bubble of darkness.

I crashed into something suddenly, and hands were pressing on my shoulders which seemed to trigger my knees to buckle, but I caught myself enough to simply crouch down and wrap my hands around my knees.

My body shook uncontrollably, while all I could hear was how rapidly my inhales and exhales were. It took those sounds to make me realize I was in the midst of a full-blown panic attack, but I also didn’t expect a voodoo doll puppet to pop up right in my vision.

“Hello, Sweet Lex!” the puppet greeted me with immense enthusiasm. “It’s raining outside!”


“What?” I breathed and slowly looked around, only I was wrapped in the darkness. “I can’t see. There’s only darkness.”

“You can’t see it, huh?!” He dramatically gasped while his movements made him jerk around from left to right. It was rather distraught looking, but it caught my attention as the puppet of blue, white, and black strings leaned in close to whisper, “But you can hear it.”

“Hear… it?” I breathed.

“Yes, yes. It goes like this: Pitter patter. Pitter patter. Pitter patter,” he repeated the sound effects. “Repeat after me: Pitter patter.”

“Pitter… patter,” I repeated and we began to go back and forth a few times.