Page 44 of Demon Valley Marked

“Right. I wish we could move so I could get a picture,” another admitted.

“Could have sold it as an NFT.” A guard sighed in defeat. “Fuck. I’ve got loads of regrets now. Well, it was nice knowing you guys.”

“True, man. You were cooler than Boss.”

“Will y’all shut up! I ain’t dying hearing that you thought that dipshit is cooler than me!”

They were all arguing within seconds and Lauren and Laura were going on a back-and-forth insult spree of “bitch, cunt, imposter, ass, and slutty ho.”

All that did was give me a chance to look back at Wallas, and I noticed the never-before-seen doll he was holding like he was presenting a limited edition item.

Then it clicked.

“Lexi?!” I said at the same time as Nathan, which made the dual response loud enough to shut everyone else up.

All eyes landed on the medium-sized voodoo doll, and I stared at the knitted doll of peachy yarn with button eyes and bright neon pink strings of yarn for the hair. I couldn’t deny that the doll was a voodoo-doll mashup.

For a moment, she was completely still, but with another blink, she was standing on Wallas’s head like he was now her platform for her grand debut.

With a pink butcher knife in hand…

“And… we’ve lost it,” Lauren snubbed.

“Boss! That’s the culprit who sliced the girl’s neck!” one of the guards shouted like he’d solved the grand mystery.

“No shit,” the boss stated. He had clearly had enough of all of this madness.

“Lexi?” Nathan dared to ask.

“KiKiKo!” the doll declared as her eyes began to spiral. Her open mouth was hollow and glowed bright pink. She jumped off the platform—strings of blue aiding in her floating grace—until she landed on Nathan’s shoulder.

I wondered if she was going to break the spell placed on him, but she did something far more horrifying.

She stabbed him… in the chest.

Everyone gasped in horror and Nathan just stared at the doll as she pulled the knife out and enjoyed the spraying burst of black blood that followed. The sight made me realize something.

Why is Laura’s blood back to red?

Even with her inability to respawn, her blood would have still been black, but a quick glance confirmed it was indeed red and spilling all over her outfit. I was sure she wasn’t dead yet because her head was still attached to the rest of her body because of whatever freezing force was holding us captive, but it would be only a matter of minutes before the flow of oxygen stopped entirely.

“She… She just stabbed him!” a guard declared.

“KIKIKI!” Voodoo Lexi laughed before she swung to her next victim: Lauren.

“Oh no. Don’t go cutting my neck, please?” Lauren pleaded. “You can hate me for being a cunning Tainted Time Keeper but at least let me continue having fun without ruining my image.”

Voodoo Lexi hung from strings, which made her look like a puppet. She ended up moving her short doll hand and laughing menacingly, but when the strings tugged her away, all that was there was a cute little drawn heart on her cheek.

The others simply stared at her while she did her best to see the drawn wound on her flesh. Her blood was a unique shade of red with hints of black and white.

“Awww. She drew a heart, guys!” I exclaimed, and she beamed. “That’s so cute.”

“She fucking stabbed me and you get a heart?” Nathan gasped and coughed. “Fuck… ow… I swear I’m going to die.”

“I guess it's better to be stabbed than kicked in the balls,” Lauren suggested. “Besides, she’s probably still angry that you sacrificed her.”

“To save her!”