Page 100 of If Not for the Duke

“Caught.” Sterling gave a single nod. “No need to worry about him any longer.”

Norah joined them, hugging Lena twice for good measure that she hadn’t been hurt. After explanations were given again, the majority of the guests returned to the ballroom at the behest of Lady Willingham.

Vanbridge and Worley stood on either side of Winslow along with Sterling until the police arrived a few minutes later. Lena told them what happened and gave them the note Winslow had written.

Sterling spoke with them, as well, then left Vanbridge and Worley to oversee things once the doctor arrived. Lena, Bernie, and Mrs. Easton waited in a nearby sitting room while the physician saw to Sterling’s injury in Willingham’s study. Lena was certain Sterling allowed the care only as an example to Bernie.

Soon he joined them, a scowl on his face. “It hurts worse now than it did before he tended it.”

Bernie gave him a pointed look as if to say, “I told you so” but wisely held her tongue.

Norah came in to inform them that Winslow had been taken away. “He insists Clarke is to blame even though he was the one who held the gun.” Her frown made her disgust with the man obvious.

“It certainly makes me wonder just what Clarke told him.” Sterling shook his head. “I don’t suppose we’ll ever know as it’s unlikely Clarke will admit to anything. However, I will be shutting down the treasure hunt tomorrow.”

“You will?” Lena asked though Bernie showed no surprise.

Sterling’s gaze held on her, a wealth of emotion swirling in his eyes. “I have already found the true treasure. One that I never expected.”

Lena drew a quick breath, her entire body filling with hope.

Norah seemed to understand the look on Sterling’s face as he looked at Lena and turned to Bernie. “Lady Bernice, let us return to the ball. Lord Canham was asking after you.”

“He was?” Bernie’s eyes widened behind her spectacles as if she was excited by the lord’s interest. “You’re certain you’re all right, Sterling?”

“I’m fine.”

“I’m so relieved.” Bernie stepped close to press a kiss on his cheek then moved toward the doorway. “Aunt Edith, are you coming?”

“Which one is Lord Canham?” she asked as the two ladies stepped out of the room.

Norah hugged Lena for what must’ve been the third time. “I’m so relieved you’re all right.”

“As am I.” Lena smiled despite the tension taking hold at the prospect of speaking alone with Sterling.

“Good luck.” Norah mouthed the words out of his view.

Lena nodded, appreciating her sister’s support as well as the fact that she knew they needed a few moments alone.

“Don’t be long, Your Grace,” Norah said with a stern look at Sterling, which made Lena laugh. “People will note your absence.”

“I will do my best to protect your sister’s reputation from harm,” Sterling said with a smile.

“I’m happy to hear that.” Norah departed as well, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Lena turned to face Sterling, emotion clogging her throat. “I’m so relieved you weren’t hurt worse.”

“When I saw Winslow pointing that pistol at you—” He broke off with a shake of his head as if unable to complete the thought, then moved to take both her hands in his. “You shouldn’t have taken the risk of going outside.”

“The message from Winslow nearly fooled me. But I was certain it wasn’t from you.”

He lifted a brow. “Did you know or did you sense it?”

“Perhaps both.” She hoped it didn’t matter how she knew the things she did. She looked at their joined hands before meeting his eyes again. “I’m sorry I didn’t trust you sooner with the truth about my ability. I hope you can forgive me.”

“Trust is not easy for me to give. But you have mine, Lena. You also have my heart.”

“Oh, Sterling!” Lena squeezed his hands as joy filled her. “You have mine as well. I love you so much.”