Page 95 of If Not for the Duke

But it was Sterling who caught her attention once more. As if feeling the weight of her regard, he looked up and met her gaze. Her breath caught as she waited, wishing he’d give her a sign—something to indicate he was pleased to see her. That there was a chance her crazy plan to win his heart might work.

He smiled. Only a hint of one with the corner of his mouth curling slightly. But that was more than enough to cause her heart to dance with joy.

Maybe this evening would be the beginning of the rest of her life. Maybe he felt half of what she felt for him. Hope welled within her, nearly bringing tears to her eyes.

“The duke should attempt a smile on occasion,” Lady Havenby whispered to Lena as she frowned at Sterling.

“He is smiling,” Lena protested. She supposed it was so subtle that those who didn’t know him well might not see it. But she did.

“If you say so.” Lady Havenby’s expression remained doubtful. “I shall eagerly wait to see if he asks you to dance.”

“As will I.” Lena’s gaze returned to Sterling, who continued to watch her with a steady regard. Was that heat in his eyes, or was she imagining things from across the room?

Before she could decide, she felt a presence at her elbow.

“Good evening, Miss Wright,” Lord Canham said. “May I have the honor of a dance?”

Though Lena wished to refuse since the only man she wanted to dance with was Sterling, she nodded. “I would be delighted. Thank you.” The opportunity to speak with Sterling would arrive if she was patient.

However, she lost track of Sterling and Bernie over the next half hour as she danced several times and greeted friends. Norah and Vanbridge hadn’t arrived, making her wonder about their delay.

After returning to Lady Havenby’s side a fourth time, she could wait no longer to speak with Sterling. As she scanned the ballroom for him, a footman appeared at her elbow.

“Excuse me, miss. I have a message for you.” The liveried servant bowed then offered her a small slip of paper.

“Thank you.” Anticipation swelled through her as she took it, holding it with reverence. Could it be from Sterling? Had he found a way for them to steal a few moments together?

The servant stepped away, leaving Lena to glance at Lady Havenby, pleased her chaperone hadn’t noticed the delivery of the message. Lena kept her back to her and opened the message.

Meet me on the terrace.


Lena studied the words, uncertainty filling her rather than joy. She couldn’t explain her doubt. She’d never seen Sterling’s handwriting. But she didn’t think it was from him. Who else could have sent it?

A chill crept over her as the music faded from her awareness.

It wasn’t from Sterling. She knew that beyond a doubt. Then the answer struck her—Winslow.

Fear stole her breath as the sound of the music rushed back into her awareness, seeming overly loud. What should she do?

She glanced around the ballroom as panic threatened, only to realize she needed to pretend excitement in case Winslow watched. She didn’t dare find Sterling to tell him what she knew, or they’d never catch the man. If she had the chance to end this tonight, she intended to take it.

“Lena, you look lovely this evening.”

She turned to find Viscount Worley beside her with his customary smile. “Worley. Thank goodness. You’re just in time.”

“Oh?” His brow raised in question, his gaze holding hers even as his smile faded. “What’s wrong?”

“Winslow asked me to meet him on the terrace.” She forced a smile, doing her best to act as if nothing was amiss. She was certain Marbury had told Worley about Winslow’s recent activities. “He could be watching. Pretend I told you something amusing.”

Worley chuckled then offered his arm as a cold gleam appeared in his dark eyes. “We will go find him together.”

“No. If you accompany me, he will surely flee.”

“I’m not allowing you to see him alone.” The steel in Worley’s tone was so unlike him that she studied him in surprise.

“There’s no other way. I’ll distract him so you and Sterling can—”