“Well, nothing specific. Not yet anyway. After all, they’re love letters. I have more of them to read. Just a few at Christmas, and I’ve started reading them again since my return a few weeks ago.”

Lena released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. For a moment, she’d thought Lady Bernice had stumbled upon the secret her father had looked so hard for—the location of the Money Pit.

“Bernie, you’re not going on about those letters again, are you?” The deep, masculine tone had Lena rising to her feet as the Duke of Renwick entered the room.

Her body flushed at the sight of his tall, imposing form, especially when those cool brown eyes that seemed to see everything caught on her. What was it about this man that caused her to feel so unsettled?

“Good afternoon, Your Grace.” She curtsied, willing away the uncomfortable feeling. He was only a man. Yet her heartbeat quickened along with her breath. If only she could determine the cause.


“Good afternoon.” Sterlingdipped his head, still uncertain why he’d felt compelled to join Bernie and her guest. He told himself it was because he was protective of his sister.

But that wasn’t the only reason.

Lena Wright intrigued him. He had the distinct impression she wasn’t awed by his title, not that he cared if anyone was. Perhaps it was because she was the granddaughter of a duke or hadn’t been raised in England where nobility seemed to carry more weight.

Miss Wright’s lavender silk gown was simple but elegant, allowing her natural beauty and grace to shine. So many of the ladies in thetonused every possible weapon in their arsenal to make themselves stand out. Miss Wright didn’t seem to be trying to do any of that.

He wondered why, when most women considered the need to marry well their singular purpose in life and used every arrow in their quiver to take aim at their quarry.

That didn’t mean Sterling enjoyed being their target as he so often was.

“Are you regaling Miss Wright about your discoveries?” he asked. He gestured for her to sit, but he remained standing, undecided whether to stay.

“She asked what I had found,” Bernie began, her cheeks coloring slightly at his teasing.

“Do not feel you have to feign interest,” he told their guest with an indulgent smile at Bernie.

“I am truly curious, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked.” The chilly look Miss Wright gave him suggested she didn’t appreciate his remark.

Then she looked at Bernie with concern as if worried whether her feelings had been hurt. The realization had him further reconsidering his opinion of Lena Wright.

He tended to assume that anyone who spent time with his somewhat awkward sister had an ulterior motive. He’d experienced it far too often in the past, from mothers who’d wanted their daughters to befriend Bernie when she was younger to ladies attempting to catch his notice in the past few years. Luckily, he’d become adept at seeing through their ruses.

Miss Wright looked back at him, then lifted a brow as if to suggest he should reconsider before further teasing Bernie.

Bernie smiled, seemingly unaware of the silent communication he and Miss Wright were having. “I do believe some of the letters were written to hide the true meaning of what was being said.”

“They’re in code?” Miss Wright asked with astonishment.

“Not exactly.” Bernie tapped a finger on her chin, her eyes narrowing. “However, I can’t help but think a hidden message is included in some of the passages.”

“How interesting. Are you familiar with the story of Captain Kidd possibly burying treasure on the island prior to his death?” Miss Wright posed the question in a gentle tone.

“Only what I learned during my visit to the museum when I viewed your father’s exhibit. I hope to find a book on the topic to explain more but have yet to locate one.”

“I’d be happy to share some of what my father thought. Though of course, there are other theories as to who might have buried treasure on the island.”

Bernie bit her lip then sent her brother a worried look, suggesting she didn’t think he’d like what she was about to say. That look was practically a guarantee he wouldn’t. He held back the urge to shake his head to keep her from saying more. He wouldn’t always be there to guide her, and she needed to become more adept at sensing what she should and shouldn’t say to others.

“Such as treasure from the Knights Templar?” Bernie asked.

He nearly groaned. How could she speak of that theory when it seemed so unlikely?

Lena smiled, causing Sterling to catch his breath. It lit her blue eyes and made her look even more beautiful. “Yes. Among others.”

Bernie’s eyes rounded with excitement. “Others?”