Page 53 of If Not for the Duke

Anger flooded him, white and hot. To think Bernie had been injured in their home, where she should be safe, was inconceivable.

Sterling released her hand and stood to check the garden door, finding it unlocked. Though he knew it was pointless, he stepped outside and glanced about. It seemed doubtful that whoever had broken in would linger, but he had to check.

Feeling a presence behind him, he glanced back to see Lena’s footman. The tall man looked around the dark garden as well. “Shall I have a look, Your Grace?” he asked.

“Please. You check the front. I’ll check the back.” Sterling moved slowly to the rear of the garden.

It took a minute or two for his eyes to adjust to the darkness as he followed the familiar path to the garden gate, which was locked. That didn’t mean whoever had been here hadn’t jumped over it. Few homes were impenetrable if the intruder was determined to gain entrance.

Finding nothing of interest visible in the dark, Sterling returned to the study door at the same time as Lena’s footman, who shook his head to indicate he hadn’t found anything either. Sterling nodded. “I’ll have a closer look in the morning.”

When they returned inside, Lena was tending the lump on Bernie’s head with a damp cloth, speaking in a calm and reassuring voice.

“Lady Bernice insists there’s no need to send for the doctor,” Foster advised, his tone making it clear he disagreed.

Sterling glanced at Lena, who met his gaze. “The cut doesn’t look as if it needs stitches, but I am certainly no expert.” She gestured to the bump for him to look for himself.

He drew near to study the injury while Lena held Bernie’s hair to allow him a better look. “Hmm. Perhaps not. But I would feel better if he examined you.” He studied his sister’s pale, pinched face, detesting that she was in pain.

“No need.” Bernie straightened, seeming determined to show them she wasn’t terribly hurt. “It’s just a bump.”

“Bernie,” he began, well aware of her dislike of doctors since she’d seen more than her fair share in her youth.

“Please, Sterling.” Her dark eyes begged him not to press her on the issue.

“If you’re sure.” Sterling watched her closely.

“I am,” she insisted, her tone firm.

“The bleeding has stopped.” Lena set the cloth in the basin of water. She, too, studied Bernie as if to gauge how she was feeling. “I’d recommend someone stay with you through the night to make certain you rest comfortably. If your headache worsens, the doctor should be sent for.”

“Excellent idea,” Bernie quickly agreed.

Sterling knew his sister would agree to almost anything if it meant avoiding the doctor. “You didn’t see anything else, Bernie?” Sterling knew he shouldn’t ask for details when she wasn’t feeling herself, but he needed to know what had happened. Who could’ve been so bold as to hit her in their home? And why? Had someone been looking through his study when Bernie interrupted their search?

“No.” Bernie’s brow puckered as she considered his question. “The room was dark when I entered, though I held a candleholder. It didn’t cross my mind that anyone was near.”

“Do you have a sense as to how long you were in here before it happened?” Lena asked.

“No more than a few minutes. I decided to find a book, as well, and had just started looking when it happened.”

Sterling glanced at his desk, wondering if anything was missing. But before he looked, he wanted to see Bernie settled for the night.

“You should try to get some rest,” Lena said. “I will check on you in the morning.”

“Yes.” Bernie stood, her hand touching the bump, suggesting it still hurt terribly. “I do believe I would like to lay down.”

Foster moved to hold open the door, watching Bernie closely. “I’ve already taken the liberty of asking your maid to await you in your chamber, my lady.”

“Thank you, Foster.”

Sterling took her arm and looked at Lena. “If you’ll wait a few minutes, I’ll return directly.”

Her eyes widened. “I should go. We can speak in the morning.”

“Please wait.” He was anxious to see Bernie settled but wanted to know why Lena had come.

Lena hesitated then nodded. “Rest well, Bernice. I’m so relieved you’re all right.”