Page 50 of If Not for the Duke

The fact that most other eligible ladies would’ve been crowing with delight if he’d said something similar to them, while Lena had yet to decide whether she liked it, was highly amusing.

Her astonished gaze made him ask, “What is it?”

The astonishment slid into a delightful grin and her eyes softened with what almost looked like tenderness and, dare he say, affection. “You laughed. I liked it very much, Sterling. I hope you do that again soon.”

With a light heart, he drew her into his arms as the music began, wondering just where this lovely lady was going to lead him.


Lena set asidethe book she’d been reading as a shiver washed over her. The deep sense of dread had her shrugging with the hope it would go away to no avail.

She’d been enjoying a quiet evening at home—the first in three days—until now.

Grandfather was at his club, having dined with her earlier. He seemed to understand her frequent need for time alone, making her wonder if he felt the same way at times. She’d always appreciated—and needed—time alone. It helped to calm the restlessness that so often came over her, especially after attending events several days in a row.

She also wanted some time away from Sterling with the hope her growing feelings for him would calm. The last dance they’d shared three nights ago lingered in her thoughts far too much.

Now, as unease held her tight, her thoughts flew to Ella, but some probing at the feeling suggested neither of her sisters was in danger. Then who? Grandfather? Marbury or Vanbridge? None of them seemed to worsen the feeling. Who else?

She rose to pace the room, allowing her thoughts to roam. Sterling? No. Then it came to her in a rush—Lady Bernice.

The sense of foreboding grew even stronger, causing her heart to race and chills to crawl along her skin. She tried to remember what event, if any, Bernie had planned to attend this evening. Surely, wherever she was, Sterling was with her to help if anything was wrong.

The thought didn’t ease her angst in the least. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. She rubbed her upper arms but that didn’t stop her chills.

She’d send a note to Bernie at home. She hurried to the writing desk to pull out a sheet of paper only to hesitate. What could she possibly say that wouldn’t make her sound crazy?

Just wondering if you are well.

I urge you to take care this evening.

She set aside the paper with a shake of her head. A message wouldn’t do. She would have to call on her and see for herself that she was safe. An excuse of some sort would come to mind if all was well. Whether she needed to warn Bernie to be careful remained to be seen.

Still, Lena hesitated. Calling on her at this hour was unseemly but what else could she do? Situations like this were not only embarrassing but placed the secret of her gift at risk. Bernie would wonder why Lena had called. She would certainly tell Sterling.

She sighed, wishing a different solution came to mind. He’d already looked at her on more than one occasion with suspicion in his brown eyes. She would much rather he look at her the way he had just before they’d danced.

When he’d said “us” as if it were a foreign word. “You and I,” he’d whispered, looking into her eyes. Then he’d smiled. And laughed. She pressed both hands over her heart as a completely different emotion swelled there.

She’d relived that moment numerous times. While she couldn’t claim to know what this was between them, she didn’t want it to end. And somehow, she knew in her heart that if he found out about her sense, it would, just as other friendships had, once they realized she was different in an inexplicable way.

Lena closed her eyes, indecision making her thoughts race.

She drew a deep breath and opened her eyes. That didn’t matter if Bernie was in danger. The risk was terrible, but one she had to take. With resolve, she hurried down the stairs to request a carriage, along with the request for James and Nancy to accompany her.

James took one look at her worried expression and seemed to know something was amiss. The footman had witnessed her gift on more than one occasion. Rather than question her or stare at her in fear, he assumed whatever she was feeling was the truth and should be acted upon. His belief in her was refreshing.

It didn’t take long before they were driving toward Renwick House. Lena wished her sisters were with her so they could help form a plan. Ella would be her practical self and ask what they would do if Bernie wasn’t home. Lena considered the question but had no answer.

Norah would ask what excuse they could give for calling so late. Lena didn’t have an answer for that either.

She should’ve brought one of the letters. At the very least, she could say she had a question about it. Though she didn’t know why such a question couldn’t wait until tomorrow.

“Are you well, miss?” Nancy asked, her worried gaze holding on Lena in the dim carriage light.

“Yes. Quite.” The maid’s question made her wonder if she’d been talking to herself.

Lena hoped answers came to her once they arrived. Bernie was probably fine and would stare at her as if she were crazy. Then again, knowing Bernie, she would be delighted that Lena had called, regardless of the hour.