Page 28 of If Not for the Duke

“I rather hoped you might like talking with me as well.”

“Of course.” She licked her lips as she considered him, her eyes narrowing. “But I wonder if I could ask a favor.”

“What might that be?” His gaze dropped to her damp, rosy lips and desire leapt through him.

“Would you make an effort to smile at least once each time we meet?”

Sterling chuckled, surprised by the boldness of her request.

“Thank you,” she said with an answering smile as her gaze held steady on him. “In a short while, I will no longer think of you as grumpy.”

He relaxed his hand and gave into the urge to touch her. He drew a finger along her jaw, thrilled when her eyes darkened at his touch. Even more thrilled when her eyes held on his mouth. Was it possible that she was wondering what it might be like if they kissed?

He certainly was.

“Lena?” He kept his voice quiet, still listening for Bernie.

“Yes?” Did she sound breathless, or was that hopeful thinking on his part?

“May I kiss you?”

Her mouth parted, then closed as if she was uncertain how to answer. Then she said, “Yes.”

The single word was the answer to his wish.

He cupped her cheek, part of him in a terrible rush while another part insisted he slow down to savor the moment. He leaned close, their breath mingling.

At last, he pressed his lips to hers, realizing immediately how perfect she was. Her lips were soft and so sweet. Firm beneath his and responding to the kiss, seeming determined to get the most out of it.

Perfect. That was exactly what he wanted.

Sterling eased closer still, loving the way her heat and scent wrapped around him. Just as he considered deepening the kiss, of sliding his tongue between those lips so he might taste her, the sound of his sister’s voice coming from the corridor, along with his aunt’s, had him jerking back.

He muttered a curse under his breath at the untimely interruption, then dropped his hand and stepped away, his gaze still on Lena.

She looked confused at first until the voices penetrated her thoughts as well. She, too, drew back and turned partially away as if uncertain where she should go or what she should do.

He shifted to shield her from view, so she would have another moment or two to regain her composure. In truth, he needed a moment as well. When they next kissed, he promised himself they would have all the time they needed to explore whatever this was between them.

And after tasting her, he was determined there would be another kiss.

He forced himself to turn toward the doorway and act as if nothing was amiss.

As if his heart wasn’t threatening to hammer out of his chest.

As if passion hadn’t taken a firm hold of him and refused to let go.

“Sterling.” Bernie looked between him and Lena with a beaming smile. “Are you keeping our guest company?”

“Yes,” he said, glancing at Lena. “How kind of Miss Wright to call on us again.”

“Isn’t it though?” Bernie’s bright smile left no doubt that she agreed. Then she subtly elbowed their aunt as they continued forward.

“Yes, indeed,” Aunt Edith agreed at last, though the lack of enthusiasm in her tone made him wonder.

Pleasantries were exchanged as the ladies took a seat.

Sterling tried his best to keep his gaze from Lena. He would rather Bernie didn’t guess at his attraction. She wouldn’t be pleased if she did.