She hesitated and looked away.
“Oh?” He couldn’t imagine the reason for her sudden discomfort.
She cast him a wary glance, still saying nothing.
He waited to see if she’d say more, hoping the cause of her concern became clear.
She looked away as she continued to explain, as if suddenly interested in his bookshelves. “I told him it was only because of my experience on Oak Island. That I had no proof. But he didn’t seem to believe me. He wants to find something to prove Clark is lying, which of course would damage his reputation. Ludham has been using Winslow for that same purpose, although Winslow thinks they are working together to help Clarke succeed.”
“And Winslow is hoping Clarke will give him a share of the treasure if he finds it,” Sterling guessed.
Lena looked at him at last. “Exactly.”
“Interesting.” Sterling considered this new information but didn’t think it changed his decision. “I haven’t told Bernie, but I think the time has come to end the search for now. Clarke is obviously not the right person to lead the dig. He can’t be trusted.”
The relief on Lena’s face tightened his chest.
“While I have never met the man, I can’t say that I like him.” She sank into the chair and released a deep breath.
“Clearly I should have done this sooner if it was bothering you that much.”
Her beautiful blue eyes widened in surprise. “You would do that for me?”
Sterling ignored the maid standing at the door and moved around his desk to sit beside Lena. Hoping the maid couldn’t see, he took Lena’s hand in his. “When I started the search, I didn’t know you and your sisters. Therefore, I didn’t give any thought to how upsetting all of this would be. I only wanted to give Bernie something to do. She seemed listless when she returned from Switzerland, and I thought this would give us something to do together. But not at the expense of hurting you.”
Lena’s hand tightened on his, and she blinked rapidly, suggesting just how much his words meant to her.
“Oh, Sterling.” To his surprise she drew back her hand, her body stiffening as her eyes became unfocused and her face pale.
“Lena?” She didn’t respond, and he was almost certain she couldn’t hear him. It was as if she were under some sort of spell.
Then she gasped, her startled gaze meeting his. “Bernie.”
“What about her?”
“She’s in danger.” Lena jerked to her feet, her hands clenched in fists, and her focus darting about the room. “Where did you say she was?”
Sterling stood, thoroughly confused. “She is riding. In Hyde Park.”
“Hurry. She’s in danger.” Lena reached out and gripped his arm tightly. “Go to her now, before something happens.” She drew back a step and pressed her gloved fingers to her mouth as if keeping from saying anything else.
“I don’t understand. How—”
Before he could finish the question, Lena shook her head. “There’s no time to waste. She needs you.”
He didn’t understand what was happening, but he knew for certain he trusted Lena with his life—and his sister’s. With one last look at her, he ran from the room.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Lena watched Sterlingrush out the door, desperate to follow and help in any way she could. But she had her carriage, while he would be on horseback. She’d only slow him down. Besides she didn’t know anything else. Not where in Hyde Park or who or what.
She pressed a finger to her pounding temple, wishing she had answers. But as was so often the case, she knew nothing more.
“Miss?” Her maid entered the study and looked at her with a worried expression. “Are you all right?”
Lena wanted to shake her head. She wasn’t. Not in the least. Though she hoped and prayed for Bernie’s safety, and that Sterling would find her in time, the truth of what she had just done sank in.
This was not going to end well, regardless of the outcome.