Page 85 of If Not for the Duke

“I have.” He smiled, but it wasn’t particularly warm. “I look forward to winning.”

“Oh? Are you so certain of the outcome?”

“I would be even more so if you would consider sharing what you know.”

“Why would I tell you if I knew anything?” She allowed disbelief to color her tone.

“Because you want Clarke to fail as much as I do.”

Lena nearly took a misstep. “You want him to fail?” She couldn’t wrap her mind around his statement. Not when they’d been so certain Ludham was working with Winslow to find the location of the Money Pit.

Ludham pulled her into a spin-turn before replying. “Clarke stole an opportunity I had to search for treasure several years ago. I will never forgive him.”

Lena mulled over the information, wondering if it was true. She didn’t trust Ludham and wasn’t about to start now. He might be telling her this just to learn what she knew.

“I only speak from the experience of having lived on the island for so long and watching my father search. There is no possibility Clarke has discovered anything this quickly, let alone the Money Pit.”

Ludham’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t believe you. I insist you tell me what evidence you have.”

“If I had proof and gave it to you, what would you do with it?”

Ludham smiled grimly. “I will show Clarke for the scheming fool he is. I will ruin him and make certain no one ever hires him again. His career will be over.”

Lena shivered at the determination in his voice. She tended to believe what he said. “If you wait long enough, he will soon be revealed as a liar.”

“That’s not nearly enough. His treachery requires a higher price. I insist you tell me what you know.”

Lena was grateful for the numerous couples surrounding them. Otherwise, she might have feared for her safety. Had he heard her mentioning the letters to Lady Havenby? “As I said I am only speaking from my own experience.” She paused, then boldly asked, “What part does Winslow play in this?” She held her breath, wondering if Ludham would tell her.

“Clarke has promised Winslow a significant cut of the treasure if he can provide any helpful clues. Winslow is desperate to do so to keep his creditors away. He seems to think it’s the only way out of his financial mess.”

Lena had heard enough. Learning anything more might put her at risk. Still, she couldn’t let it rest until she understood the whole story. “You’re willing to betray Winslow?”

“Please.” He scoffed. “Winslow is no one. No title. No fortune. He’ll never amount to anything. I’ve known him for several years as we’re both members of the Explorer’s Club. He was well into his cups one evening and told me that he and Clarke have been friends since childhood. Winslow is envious of the man’s success and feels it should’ve been his. That is something on which we both agree. When I happened to mention that I knew you and your sisters, he was certain you could help. It has been simple enough to pretend to aid him in looking for clues as to where the treasure is. Meanwhile, Clarke is setting himself up for failure.”

“Why is Clarke overstating his results? Why not wait to see what he can find?”

“His ego demands nothing less. He adores being in the limelight, as do most treasure hunters. When a reporter contacted him after being told about the dig, he couldn’t resist giving an interview.”

The music drew to a close, and Ludham looked closely at her. “I’ve shared what I know. Why don’t you honor me by doing the same?”

“I appreciate what you’ve told me,” she began, still uncertain if she could believe everything he said. “But as I told you from the start, I only speak from experience. Even if I came across a map of the treasure, I’m not sure I’d give it to anyone.”

It was almost a relief that she hadn’t found anything. Handing over information about the location of the treasure to anyone other than her father seemed like a betrayal to his memory.

Perhaps in time, a treasure would be found on Oak Island, but she didn’t want it to be discovered so quickly. Keeping Clarke from saying disrespectful things about her father would be enough for now.

“I ask you to reconsider,” Ludham said, seeming unable to take no for an answer and making her think he knew about the letters. “We both want the same thing. I will make Clarke look like the fool he is, just as you want.”

“I appreciate that. But I don’t have anything that would help.” She didn’t care for the way his dark eyes glittered and was anxious to return to Lady Havenby.

“Who does?” His eyes narrowed as he studied her. “Renwick? Or perhaps his sister?”

Lena frowned, alarm filling her at the direction of his thoughts. “Don’t you think they would’ve already shared anything they found with Clarke?”

“Clarke is making Renwick look like a fool. I think it unlikely that the duke will aid him now. In fact, I would guess Renwick will soon call an end to the search and remove Clarke from the position.”

“If he does, that will grant your wish.”