Lena could hardly breathe at the idea of her and Sterling having a future together. That seemed impossible at this moment, no matter how much she cared for him.
The longer she waited to tell him about her gift—if she ever did—the better. She would enjoy this time with him as best she could and hope her secret didn’t drive them apart.
Chapter Twenty
Treasure Location Confirmed on Oak Island!
Walter Clarke, famous treasure hunter and explorer, has confirmed that he’s found the elusive Money Pit, a shaft rumored to hold untold riches in gold and jewels.
“I knew it was only a matter of time before we found success, but I am pleased it came so quickly. How unfortunate that David Wright spent decades digging without anything to show for it.”
When asked what Clarke attributed that to, he added, “I fear Wright didn’t truly understand how pirates think or the signs that indicate treasure.”
Clarke also stated he has a plan to circumvent the supposed flood tunnels using special pumps to keep out the seawater. “Discovery of treasure is imminent. Mark my words. We are poised for success.”
White-hot fury shot through Lena as she finished reading the article.
“How dare he?” She tossed aside the paper and bolted to her feet to march to the window, well aware of her grandfather’s watchful gaze.
“Indeed,” he agreed, his tone grim.
It was bad enough that Clarke insisted he’d found the Money Pit, but to mention her father’s name and suggest he was basically a failure was nearly more than she could bear.
“Clarke has clearly overstated his progress.” Her grandfather’s matter-of-fact statement had her spinning to face him.
“Then you still think I’m right?” Hope speared through her. Somehow, having her grandfather believe in her meant more than she’d expected.
He drew closer, his gaze holding on her, his expression giving nothing away. “Do you stillfeelhe’s wrong?”
“Yes. At least, I think so.” Yet her confidence faded as she probed her thoughts without success. She didn’t feel anything at the moment. What if her earlier feeling no longer applied? What if Clarke had, indeed, found the Money Pit, and she was only embarrassing herself and her family by denying it?
She closed her eyes as defeat took hold. If only she knew for certain. “I’m not sure. I haven’t felt anything since the last article.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, lending comfort. “Your grandmother found that if she cleared her mind and settled her emotions, the feeling often came. Wanting it too much made it elusive and kept it out of reach.”
Lena nodded, knowing that to be true. She drew a long, slow breath to release the anger that held her. She closed her eyes to better focus on her grandfather’s calming touch and reached for the locket, appreciating the way it warmed between her fingers. Her earlier tension fell away as her thoughts settled, then cleared.
In a rush, the familiar shiver came. Along with it, a deep certainty. Her eyes popped open to meet her grandfather’s. “He’s lying.” She couldn’t help the hesitation that filled her as soon as the words were out. “How can that be? Why would he be so bold as to say he found it when he hasn’t? To what purpose?”
The duke released her as he considered her question. “He must feel pressure to do so. But surely Renwick isn’t pressing him to make a discovery within a certain timeframe.” He shook his head. “I don’t know. You didn’t see anything specific that might explain his motivation?”
Lena more closely considered the feeling she’d received. How she wished she had a vision that accompanied the sensation as her grandmother had. But she didn’t. She could only use what she was given.
“I don’t know anything more,” she said at last. “Only that he’s not digging in the right shaft. But I don’t know which one is the real one, or if there even is a Money Pit. I just think he won’t find success where he’s working now.”
Her grandfather nodded. “Then we’ll move forward with what you do know. Why don’t you send a message to Norah and ask her and Vanbridge to meet us at Marbury’s? The earl may not want Ella to know about the latest article, but I’m not certain he can keep it hidden from her for long.”
Lena nodded even as relief filled her. Being with her sisters would make this easier for all of them.
After she finished the message to Norah and then requested a footman deliver it immediately, her thoughts turned to Sterling. She wished she could warn him. That she could think of a way to tell him Clarke was lying and wasn’t to be trusted. But she’d already done that with little effect because she had no proof. Now that this news story had been released, Sterling would think she’d been wrong.
But deep inside, she knew she wasn’t, despite her lingering doubts about her gift. She couldn’t understand what Clarke could gain by doing this, but he was lying.
Within the hour, all of them were seated in the drawing room with the exception of Ella. Marbury had decided against telling her the news until they discussed it first. He reluctantly shared that her contractions had resumed, concerning even the doctor. Marbury didn’t want to tell her anything that might be upsetting.
Norah immediately looked at Lena. While Lena was worried about Ella, she still believed she and the baby would be fine and hoped Norah understood that from the nod she offered. But whether Clarke’s announcement would change that remained to be seen.
“What do you propose be done?” her grandfather asked of everyone.