Mrs. Easton stood just behind them, her nose lifted in the air as she surveyed the crowd with curiosity.
Lena returned her attention to Sterling, who looked so handsome in his formal evening attire. His chiseled features and erect posture matched his somber expression. Yet Lena could now see beyond that.
She didn’t like to think what his upbringing had been like to forge him into the man he was today. His father must’ve been harsh indeed.
Then his focus caught on her and his expression immediately softened. A hint of a smile—just a hint—curved his mouth, and Lena smiled in return.
“Except when he looks at you.” Norah’s voice sounded as if it came from a distance and took a moment to sink in.
“Whatever do you mean?” Lena asked though she hadn’t managed to pull her attention from Sterling.
“His Grace is almost smiling at you.” The disbelief in Norah’s tone would’ve been amusing under other circumstances or if it pertained to a different topic. “I cannot wait to share this development with Ella.”
Sterling turned to his sister, who was speaking to him, breaking the spell that had held Lena in its grasp. She blinked, stunned by her swirling emotions. How could one look across a crowded ballroom cause such turmoil within her?
Norah’s remark struck her. “Do not dare to say anything to Ella.” The last thing she wanted was her eldest sister, who would like nothing more than to see Lena married, to focus her attention on the possibility of Lena and Sterling marrying.
“So you’re admitting thereissomething between you.” Norah’s blue eyes lit with excitement.
“I’d not admitting anything of the sort.” Her ears prickled with the heat of embarrassment. Only one of her sisters could do that so easily.
“This is perfect. Don’t you see?” Norah clutched Lena’s hand with enthusiasm.
“I have no idea of what you’re speaking.” Trepidation filled Lena so strongly that she had to resist the urge to jerk her hand away from Norah’s.
“We must tell Ella. This is exactly the sort of distraction she needs. Her focus will shift to wondering what might be happening between you and Renwick rather than the treasure hunt. Meanwhile, you’ll be able to spend more time proving that Clarke is lying. I’ll watch over Ella and tell her you’re busy with Renwick.”
Lena stared at Norah in disbelief.
“Did I hear mention of my name?” Sterling asked, one brow lifted, as he and Bernie joined them.
Lena wanted to hide behind the nearest potted plant. Her mind was completely blank as she struggled with an explanation. How much of Norah’s ridiculous ideas had he heard?
Based on Norah’s wide eyes, she wondered the same.
Lena dropped into a curtsy, hoping beyond hope Sterling hadn’t heard them.
Chapter Thirteen
Sterling didn’t pretendto know what was happening, but the guilty look on Lena’s face roused his suspicions. It was the same expression she’d had when they first met, and she’d rescued Bernie from toppling into the fountain.
He’d heard Lady Vanbridge mention Oak Island and his name. That wasn’t a complete surprise, but Lena’s expression caused him to wonder about the nature of their conversation.
“Good evening, Your Grump…er, Grace.” Lady Vanbridge curtsied, two bright spots of color on her cheeks.
“Good evening.” Sterling wasn’t certain whether to be annoyed or amused by the near slip. His gaze returned to Lena, who also seemed to be trying to regain her composure.
“Lady Bernice, what a lovely gown.” Lady Vanbridge smiled. “That shade of green is so flattering on you.”
“Why, thank you.” Bernie glanced down and smoothed the mint green fabric with her white gloves. “It is one of my favorites.”
“Forgive me, Your Grace.” Lady Vanbridge’s charming smile nearly put him at ease. “I was just asking my sister if you’d shared any updates on the dig.”
Sterling considered the explanation. Though reasonable, he wondered if there was more to their conversation.
“Nothing new of late,” Lady Bernice answered for him. “We do hope to receive an update next week. Isn’t that right, Sterling?”