Page 47 of If Not for the Duke

If they had, he would’ve been tempted to kiss her again. He shouldn’t allow himself such liberties. Not unless he intended to court her, and he wasn’t prepared for that. Marriage was an important duty in his future but not for some time. In truth, he had doubts as to how enjoyable it would be unless he found a lady he not only trusted but cared for. That seemed unlikely thus far.

“Thank you.” Lena looked again at Bernie. “I look forward to seeing you at the Evanston ball.”

After Lena left, Bernie turned to him. “Miss Wright is such delightful company.”

“Indeed.” On that, they agreed, yet he couldn’t help but wonder. “Did she have any particular reason for calling?”

“Sterling.” Bernie’s brown eyes, so much like his own, flashed with annoyance. “She doesn’t have to have a reason. Couldn’t it be that she enjoys my company?”

“Of course.” Remorse immediately filled him. The last thing he wanted was for Bernie to doubt herself and her ability to make friends.

“You must learn to set aside your suspicions of people,” she admonished. “Not everyone has an ulterior purpose.”

“Perhaps.” That was the best he could offer. Too often he’d been taught that everyone wanted something.

“Besides, what could Lena possibly want from us? Her grandfather is a duke.” Bernie’s eyes narrowed as if she were turning over the possibilities.

For that, he was sorry. He should’ve kept his suspicions to himself. While he didn’t want Bernie to be so naïve that people took advantage of her, neither did he want her to guard herself more than she already did.

“I’m sure you’re right,” he agreed. “I only meant that perhaps she was curious about our progress on Oak Island.”

“She did ask, but we didn’t discuss it after you joined us. She also wanted to know if I had any more letters, which I don’t.” Bernie frowned, suggesting his questions had her wondering the same thing.

He dismissed his concern. Lena and her sisters were probably anxious to know what was happening with Clarke’s efforts, though he wasn’t sure if they supported the dig. Not after seeing their father work so hard for so long.

“Shall I escort you to the Evanston ball?” he asked as he stood, wanting to change the subject.

“I would like that. Thank you.” Bernie smiled brightly. “I couldn’t ask for a more thoughtful brother.”

Guilt threatened at her words. In truth, he’d offered because he looked forward to seeing Lena again. He told himself he wanted the opportunity to make certain she wasn’t trying to use his sister to gain information on the treasure hunt. While that was true, it wasn’t the only reason he looked forward to seeing Lena. She appealed to him in many ways. He looked forward to seeing where that led. Never mind the odd feeling in his chest each time he saw her. That was a concern for later.


“What have youdiscovered?” Norah asked in a whisper at the Evanston ball.

Lena turned after finishing a conversation with Lady Whitmore to glare at her sister. “Truly? No greeting? No exchange of pleasantries? Just business?”

Norah had the grace to look sheepish as she watched Lady Whitmore step away to speak with someone else. “My apologies. I spent the afternoon with Ella. Some of her angst seems to be spreading to me.”

“You’re certain it’s not the other way around?” Lena knew Norah was more upset than any of them about Clarke’s hunt on Oak Island.

“I certainly hope not.” She grimaced as she considered her feelings more closely. “I have tried my best to act as if it doesn’t matter and change the subject when she brings it up. But you can’t tell me the topic doesn’t follow you day and night.”

Lena sighed then nodded. “True. I’ve gone through the letters again and again. But I haven’t found anything else. Why would Jenkins draw a hidden map of Oak Island if not for a purpose?”

“I don’t know. I have wondered the same. I’ve reread some of Father’s journals, but I’m not finding anything helpful there either. Did you have a chance to visit with Lady Bernice again?”

“I called on her yesterday. She doesn’t have any other letters. I had just asked what news she had from Clarke when Sterling joined us.”

Norah’s brow rose and an amused look crossed her expression. “His Grumpiness joined you for tea? How interesting.”

“He might not be as grumpy as I thought.” Only then did Lena realize he hadn’t smiled yesterday. That meant he owed her an extra one. She would be certain to remind him of that if she had the chance to speak with him this evening.

“Seriously, Lena. Renwick never smiles.” She tipped her head toward the ballroom entrance.

Lena turned to follow her gaze and saw Sterling and Bernie standing there. Her heart thudded in response.

Sure enough, Sterling wore his usual dour expression while Bernie looked over the crowd with a mix of excitement and nerves. Lena recognized her expression as she’d felt much the same way their first Season in London. Her spectacles flashed in the light. Lena was pleased she was wearing them.