Page 45 of If Not for the Duke

“Do you still think he’s digging in the wrong place?”

“Yes.” For all the good it did.

“If only we could prove that.” Ella worried her lower lip, clearly trying to think of a way to do so.

“Ella.” Lena waited for her sister to meet her gaze. “Stop. What truly matters is you and the baby. Nothing else.” She reached into her reticule and pulled out a tiny white nightgown she’d stitched for the baby, certain it would distract her. “I still need to embroider the neckline, but what do you think?”

“Oh, Lena. It’s beautiful.” She took the garment with both hands and set it on her lap to smooth the soft fabric. “Each time I see clothing for the baby, it makes it even more real that I will soon be a mother.”

Lena’s chest tightened with emotion as she imagined Ella tending to a baby. “You are going to make a wonderful mother. I know this time isn’t easy, but soon you will be so busy that you’ll wish you enjoyed this rest more.”

Ella laughed, just as Lena meant her to. “I’m sure you’re right.” With one last admiring look, she handed the gown back to Lena. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for making it. Your stitches are perfect, as always.”

“I will have it done soon.” Though she hated to mention how many days had passed since she’d last worked on it.

“Leo seems to think I shouldn’t even embroider.” She shook her head. “Sitting idle only allows my thoughts to churn. I’d much rather stay busy.”

“Perhaps you can do a little of both,” Lena suggested. “Daydreaming is something all three of us should do more.”

“That sounds better than simply sitting here worrying.” Ella smiled. “We’ve never had much of a chance to do anything of that sort while growing up, did we? There were always chores that needed to be done.”

They reminisced for a time, though Lena wasn’t certain doing too much of that was a good idea either. Focusing on the past only brought their father more to mind.

Lena shared details from the last few social events, not wanting Ella to feel like she was missing anything. Soon, the end of the hour was drawing near.

“I should go so you can rest.” Lena rose and leaned down to hug Ella. “Try not to worry. Hold good thoughts for both you and the baby. I’ll visit you again soon.” Lena and Norah had already agreed one would call in the morning and the other in the afternoon to help break up the long day. Hopefully, that wouldn’t prove to be too much for Ella.

“Thank you, Lena.”

“I have a new poetry book that’s quite lovely I could bring you,” she offered.

“I’d rather have something more interesting. Perhaps a romantic tale or a detective novel. Those might better hold my attention.”

“I’ll see what I can find.” Norah probably had a new book or two. Lena would send her a message to suggest she bring Ella one this afternoon. She bent to kiss her sister’s cheek. “Take care. And remember that Leo only wants what’s best for you because he loves you dearly.”

Ella smiled, the joy in her eyes saying much. “I know. I love him as well.” She heaved a sigh. “I look forward to your next visit and promise to be in better spirits.”

“I shall hold you to it.” Seeing Ella still so upset about Clarke and his dig made Lena more determined to see what she could find to prove him wrong.

The time had come to call on Lady Bernice again to see if she had found any more letters and if she had updates on Clarke’s efforts.


Sterling strode intothe entrance hall. “Foster, do you know where Lady Bernice is?”

“In the drawing room, Your Grace. She’s having tea with Miss Wright.”

Pleasure curled through Sterling at the news. “Thank you.” He started up the stairs.

“Should I have fresh tea and another cup sent up?” Foster asked.

“Yes, please.” He wasn’t certain if the ladies would appreciate him interrupting, but he couldn’t help himself. The temptation of seeing Lena was too much to resist.

He slowed as he neared the doorway, curious as to what the ladies were talking about. He hoped Bernie didn’t speak too much about Oak Island. Lena probably didn’t want to hear more about the treasure hunt.

“Do you have any news on the treasure hunt?” Lena asked.

Sterling nearly halted in surprise, though he supposed it was only natural that she was curious.