Page 44 of If Not for the Duke

“Not as of yet. But like many of our fellow members,” he said as his gaze swung around the room, “one is always looking for opportunities.”

“Hmm. Are you sure you haven’t found something that has caught your interest?”

Ludham smiled. “Time will tell.”

Though tempted to press him for details, Sterling held back. Whatever Ludham and his associate were up to would soon be revealed. Nothing remained secret among Society members for long. “I do hope you’ll keep us apprised.”

“What of your dig on Oak Island?” Ludham asked. “Have any serious discoveries been made?”

“We’re still in the early stages.” Sterling cocked his head. “Are you fishing for information out of true interest, or have you placed a wager on the outcome?”

Ludham laughed. “Placing a wager on a treasure hunt is much like throwing away money, wouldn’t you agree? Then again, you’re already throwing money down a shaft or two on Oak Island, aren’t you?”

“As you said, time will tell.” Sterling refused to allow Ludham to get under his skin. Not unless the viscount showed his hand. Making annoying comments wasn’t a crime, though with men like Ludham, Sterling wished it was.

“Did I see you dancing with Lena Wright at the Stanhope Ball?” Ludham frowned as if trying to remember. “Surely you’re not interested in her.” A sly, knowing look came over his expression. “Of course. I see now. You’re attempting to gain information for your treasure hunt from Miss Wright, aren’t you? Using a lady for such an ulterior motive seems like poor behavior. Tsk. Tsk.”

Sterling clenched his fist, suppressing the urge to plant it in the man’s face. “I don’t appreciate you suggesting such a thing. Nor do I intend to do anything of the sort.”

“Of course not.” Ludham clearly didn’t believe him, not that Sterling cared. Still, it irritated him. “I would do the same if I were you. Lena Wright is a delectable morsel, isn’t she?”

“Mind your manners, Ludham.” Sterling refused to listen to him talk about Lena, and the urge to punch him became even stronger. “Do try to remember you’re a gentleman. At least, you’re supposed to be.”

With that, he turned on his heel and strode away. He didn’t know what Ludham was up to, but it wasn’t good. He certainly didn’t like his comments about Lena. Sterling knew he wasn’t the only one intrigued by her. According to Bernie, Lena’s popularity was ever increasing. She had numerous friends, both men and women. Sterling was pleased to be among them but even happier to be the one she’d kissed.

He shrugged a shoulder to dispel the guilt that threatened. Ludham was wrong. Sterling would never attempt to obtain information about the island from Lena, even if that had been the reason Bernie had befriended her. There was more to their relationship than a treasure hunt. Much more.

A smile threatened to curve his lips at the thought. He was thoroughly enjoying coming to know Lena and looked forward to the next time he’d see her. He hoped it was soon.

Chapter Twelve

“Good morning.” Forthe second day in a row, Lena settled in the chair beside Ella’s bed with a bright smile. She kept her visits short—no longer than an hour. The point of Ella being on bed rest was so she could actually rest. A constant stream of visitors wouldn’t help, even if it eased her boredom.

Ella gave a less-than-sincere return smile. “You’re beginning to make a habit of this. Did Leo request that you visit again?”

“Of course not. You’re my sister. I came of my own accord to keep you company.” Based on the doubtful look Ella sent her, she didn’t believe her. “Idoenjoy spending time with you.”

Ella heaved a sigh and pressed two fingers to her temple. “Forgive me. I enjoy being with you as well. I just don’t like being treated like an invalid.”

“Understandable since you’re not one. You are a strong, healthy woman who will soon have a baby to hold.”

“Yes.” Ella’s entire being softened at the mention of the baby, and she placed a hand on the growing bump visible beneath the bed cover. “Yes, I will. And I will do anything asked to make certain he or she is healthy. But being ordered to remain in bed is more difficult than I could’ve imagined.”

“I’m sure. It gives you too much time to think, doesn’t it?” And worry. But Lena didn’t add that.

“True.” She held Lena’s gaze for a moment. “Is there any news from Renwick about the treasure hunt? Leo refuses to allow me to read the newssheets until I’m feeling better.”

“I agree. None of the headlines are good these days. The papers seem to think only bad news sells copies.” When Ella continued to watch her, Lena added, “There is no news from Renwick or Lady Bernice or inThe Timeson the topic of the treasure hunt. Does that ease your mind?”

“I suppose. I just keep thinking about how upset Father would be if Clarke found treasure after digging for only a few weeks.” Her brow puckered, a testament to her worry.

The concern bothered Lena as well. While she was still certain Clarke was digging in the wrong place, that could soon change. However, it would be nice to discredit him, which would quiet talk of the hunt.

“Yes, he would’ve been displeased,” Lena agreed. “But his efforts might make any progress Clarke has easier.”

Ella scoffed. “Do you think he will admit that? I certainly don’t.”

Lena shifted forward to squeeze Ella’s hand, alarmed at her upset. She’d obviously been stewing on the topic. “Why don’t we speak of something else? There is nothing we can do to change the outcome of what happens on the island.”