“Perhaps not,” Simon said with a frown. “I will have to give it further consideration.”

Norah was dismayed that he didn’t immediately change his mind. “Your exhibits provide a unique look into the past. I have no doubt the museum has stirred an interest in history in many others.”

“It’s true.” Lena reached to touch his arm briefly. “I hope you keep it open.” She glanced at Norah. “We should continue to the ball before Lady Havenby sends word to Grandfather. I will wait for you downstairs.”

Norah nodded, relieved to have a few minutes alone with Simon, and turned to face him. “You’re sure you are all right?”

Simon held her gaze. “Yes. Are you?”

“Fine, thank you.” She hesitated, uncertain what was going through his mind. “I would like to return the coin to you with the hope you will not only reopen the museum but include the exhibit of my father’s work.” She offered it to him.

He took it with a surprised smile. “Very well. I promise to take good care of it.”

She moved a step closer, wondering how to share what was in her heart.

“Norah, why did you come this evening?” Simon asked as he put the coin in his pocket. “When I saw you come up the stairs, my heart nearly fell from my chest.”

“I wanted to speak with you about your message. To make certain you weren’t planning anything dangerous.” She looked into his eyes, so grateful he hadn’t been hurt. “I’m happy I did. Seeing Evans point the gun at you was horrifying.”

He drew her into his arms and held tight, his warmth seeping into her. “I am sorry to have placed you and your sister in danger.”

“You didn’t.” Norah leaned back to meet his gaze. “While I never particularly liked Stockton, I never dreamed he’d do something like this. And Evans.” She shivered in the circle of his arms. “What a horrible person.”

“Indeed.” He trailed a finger along her cheek. “I suppose you must leave now.”

She gathered her courage, still wanting to know what he was thinking. “Yes, but about that message.”

He gave her the slow smile she adored. The one that lit his eyes until at last curving his lips. “Now that the mystery of the thefts has been solved, I am free to tell you what’s in my heart. I love you. I adore everything about you. From your boldness to your kindness. Your intelligence and appreciation for history. Your sensitivity and compassion. All of you.”

Then he kissed her with such passion that it left no doubt as to how he felt. She melted against him, loving the feel of his hard strength against her. He was so handsome and kind. So perfect—perfect for her.

“Simon.” She was nearly breathless when he drew back. “I love you, as well. The clever way you think.” She touched his temple. “Your caution and reserve. The way you view the world and those around you. Your thoughtfulness. When I’m not with you, I’m wondering about you.”

“I seem to have that same affliction when it comes to you,” he said. “I thought not to marry. What Evans said was true. I wasn’t supposed to inherit.” He frowned, the pain crossing his face causing her heart to ache. “I lost so many loved ones that I never intended to allow anyone else to touch my heart again. It’s too painful. But now I see that not having you in my life would be far worse. Please tell me that you’ll consider spending the rest of your life at my side. Would you marry me?”

“Oh, Simon!” The well of emotion rising within her made it nearly impossible to speak. “I had thought to wait a few years before marrying. I am only beginning to enjoy this new life and was certain a husband would push my dreams aside. But now I know I wouldn’t enjoy new experiences without you. I love you, so.”

He kissed her again, making her feel cherished and loved. Nothing felt so right as when he held her.

“You have made me very happy. May I call upon you tomorrow?”

“I would love that.”

“Perfect. How do you think your grandfather will take the news of our plans?”

“He’ll be pleased for us, though we may have to ease him into it. Especially since Ella has just left.”

“I will try to be patient.”

“But not too patient.” Then she wrapped her hands around his neck and lifted on her toes to kiss him once again, her heart full. After a long moment or two—perhaps three—she eased back. “I’m sorry to have to leave you.”

“As am I. But I will need to speak with the police. Until tomorrow?”

She nodded. “Tomorrow and every day afterward, I hope.”

“Yes. Always.”
