“One does what one must,” Evans replied.

“Are you the one who hit me?”

“I believe that was one of my overzealous men. They didn’t expect to find you here that night. Stockton let them in to haul out some of the artifacts he’d set aside.”

“You mean stole,” Simon argued.

“As I said, one does what one must. Besides, you and I both know you shouldn’t be in this business.” Evans’s words nearly had Norah gasping in outrage.

“Why is that?” Simon asked.

“You shouldn’t have inherited to begin with,” Evans replied. “You are a marquess by accident. Nothing more.”

“True,” Simon agreed. “Several accidents, in fact.”

“Both your father and your uncle’s interest in history was nothing more than a hobby. The late marquess didn’t have his facts right half the time.”

“It was enough that he and my father enjoyed learning about the past, much like the people who visit the museum. He never attempted to profit from it like you.”

Norah wanted to shout at Simon to stop disagreeing since the odds were not in his favor. He would only anger Evans more.

“Do you have any idea how much you’ve cost me by spreading the ridiculous notion that discoveries should be shared with the native people?” Evans’s angry voice echoed in the building, even louder than before. “They weren’t the ones who found treasure or paid to have it excavated.”

“But it was their culture that created it. Why shouldn’t they share in any financial gain?”

“Your attempt to be fair-minded is ruining business for all museums.”

“Museums shouldn’t be run like a business, but rather a philanthropic venture. I can see we won’t agree, but that’s hardly a reason for the gun. Put it down. Now.”

A gun? The word stole Norah’s breath. Knowing Evans had a weapon raised the stakes considerably. How could they possibly disarm him?

The element of surprise was on their side, but she needed to think of how they could best use it. An idea came to mind, and Norah started up the remaining stairs, only to have Lena grab her arm.

Her sister’s fierce expression and the shake of her head did nothing to help Norah’s nerves.

“Trust me,” Norah mouthed, hoping her sister understood. A distraction was in order, and she could easily provide it.

Lena reluctantly released her, though her lips remained pressed tight with disapproval.

Norah leaned close to James. “Wait a few moments. Then grab the taller man if you can.”

He nodded in agreement.

With a deep breath, Norah climbed the last few stairs and kept walking.

“Good evening, gentlemen.” Stockton was on her left and she stayed closer to him, giving Evans a wide berth since Stockton seemed less likely to grab her.

Though she knew Evans held a gun, seeing the pistol in his hand was still a shock. Especially since it was pointed at Simon.

She glanced at Stockton and Evans, pretending surprise at the sight of them but continued toward Simon. Simon’s eyes darkened at the sight of her as if he couldn’t believe she was there—or perhaps wished she wasn’t.

“Miss Wright.” Simon’s tone was fraught with tension.

“When you asked me to meet you here, I didn’t realize you were planning a party.” She smiled brightly at Evans, then Stockton, both of whom seemed confused by her appearance.

Perfect. Now was the time to act. With luck, James would realize that.

A shadow moved behind the two men, and she sent Simon a pointed look. It took him only a moment to understand.