“Not at all.” Yet the man’s gaze shifted to the door where the older stood watching them. “We’re happy to assist visitors with their questions.”

Norah didn’t bother to share her opinion that the staff was less than welcoming. “Is the owner of the museum here today?”

“Yes. That would be Mr. Evans, with whom I was speaking.” He gestured toward the now empty doorway.

She nodded, her thoughts racing.

“What were your questions on the display?” he asked.

The more he spoke, the more certain she was that it had to have been Mr. Evans who’d said the things about Simon’s uncle.

Only then did she realize the man was waiting for her question. She glanced at Lena, relieved when she asked about the discovery of one of the artifacts.

She didn’t know if the information she’d learned was significant, but she had to share it with Simon.


“A Viscount Worleyis in the lobby and requests a moment of your time, my lord,” Emerson told Simon.

“Bring him up, please.” Simon dusted off his hands from his work of packing the artifacts from the pre-Columbian exhibit into crates.

The work was tiring, mainly because it added to the overwhelming sense of failure that had shadowed him since the discovery of the additional five stolen items.

No other things had gone missing—as of yet. Whether that was because the museum was guarded at night or the fact that it had closed and whoever was behind the thefts had achieved what they wanted remained to be seen.

He should’ve sent word to Worley of the new developments. One more action he’d failed to take.

“What on earth is going on?” Worley asked after Emerson escorted him to Simon and left to return to his own work. The viscount glanced around the room, where several crates stood in various stages of packing. “Why is the museum closed? I had to pound on the door to gain someone’s attention.”

Simon heaved a sigh, but it did little to help release the tension simmering inside him. “Five more artifacts disappeared. I had no option except to close.”

“Five?” Worley’s brows rose in surprise. “That is upsetting. No leads?”


“The police?”

“Of little help.” Simon shrugged. “They took notes on the few details we know and promised to look into the matter.”

“So, you’re just going to close and let it go at that?” The irritation in Worley’s tone took Simon aback.

“Do you have a better suggestion?” Simon detested his defensive tone but couldn’t help it. “We searched the museum for the items. We interviewed all the staff.” He shook his head. “All for naught. I can’t afford to lose any more pieces.”

Worley glanced around, seeming to want to make certain they were alone, then stepped closer. “When you say ‘we,’ to whom do you refer?”

“Myself, Stockton, and Emerson for the most part.”

“What happened to your suspicions of the director?” Worley’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“He won’t be in until later this afternoon.” Simon explained the director’s surprise when he discovered the two artifacts in the crates. “After that, I don’t see how I can suspect him.”

Worley stroked the tip of his mustache as he so often did when in deep thought. “I’m not so sure.”

“How do you mean?”

“He’s visited the Museum of Archaeological Findings twice in the past three days.”

Simon considered the news but dismissed it. “No doubt he’s looking for a new position.”