She did her best to hide her tears as she smiled and laughed with her sisters, teasing Ella by calling her countess. Ella chuckled with them. As if by unspoken agreement, none of them mentioned the weight of saying goodbye that hung in the air.

Norah didn’t want to ruin Ella’s special day by sharing her thoughts, so helped as best she could, hurrying her sister along and teasing her that Marbury might leave if she didn’t rush back downstairs.

“You look beautiful.” Norah studied her sister in the mirror as Dorothy pinned a blue hat on her head while she sat at the dressing table. The fitted bodice of her pale blue gown flattered her slender curves and her fair coloring. The deeper blue overskirt was drawn back into a bustle, revealing several layers of the white lace underskirt. She still looked every inch a bride.

“Thank you.” Ella pressed her hands to her heart. “I am so very happy. And I cannot wait for both of you to feel this way, as well.” She rose from the dressing table and turned to take their hands in hers. “I love you both.”

“We love you, too.” Norah kissed her cheek, careful not to muss her appearance, followed by Lena. “Write when you can. We can’t wait to hear all about your trip.”

“Have a wonderful time,” Lena added.

Norah held open the door, torn between wanting the painful moment over and wishing she could prolong Ella’s presence. She and Lena followed her downstairs. Most of the guests had left, and Marbury waited near the foot of the stairs, along with their grandfather.

Fate had placed an odd twist in their path when Marbury had come into their lives. The fact that he and Ella had fallen in love somehow reassured Norah that all was as it should be. That their lives were moving in the proper direction, even if they couldn’t see the outcome. Would that prove true for Norah?

Marbury must’ve heard them, for he turned to watch Ella descend the stairs, his heart in his eyes. The love in his expression only made Norah want to cry more. But it also reassured her that Ella was in the best hands.

“You are so beautiful.” He reached for Ella’s hand. “Are you ready, dear wife?”

“Yes, I am.” Ella released him to embrace their grandfather for a long moment. “Thank you for everything. I love you, and we’ll see you soon.”

“Indeed, you will.” He cleared his throat, moisture in his eyes. “Take care and safe travels.”

Marbury shook the duke’s hand with both of his. Then, after one more hug for Norah and Lena, the couple were waving goodbye as Marbury’s carriage took them away.

As if by unspoken agreement, Norah and Lena both flanked their grandfather on the front step, looping their arms through his. Rather than return immediately inside, the three stood there for a long moment, staring at the empty street.

“They’ll be back before we know it,” Lena said quietly.

“Yes.” Norah nodded, needing to comfort herself with that fact. “But things won’t be the same without them.”

“No, they won’t.” Their grandfather glanced at each of them. “Thank goodness the three of you came to me. I am truly blessed.”

Norah leaned her head against his upper arm, certain Lena was doing the same. “We are the ones who are blessed.”

The duke smiled and drew a deep breath. “Would the two of you care to join me in my study? It seems like a good day to spend some time together.”

Norah shared a surprised look with Lena, who answered for both of them. “We would like that very much. Do you have something in mind?” she asked as they turned as one to go inside.

“I received a new book that I ordered that I thought we might enjoy. It’s a mystery set in Paris.”

With a smile, Norah listened to Lena’s excited reply, her heart filling just a little bit more. Life wouldn’t be the same without Ella, but there was still much to look forward to.

They’d spend the rest of the day with their grandfather. Tomorrow was soon enough to resume their search for the stolen coin. Her heart quickened at the thought of seeing Simon again. Yes, so much to look forward to.

Chapter Twenty-One

Simon stepped intoWorley’s carriage that evening as dusk fell, casting an orange glow in the sky. “I appreciate you joining me on such short notice.”

He’d sent a message to the viscount that afternoon to ask if he was available to join Simon to follow Stockton. If the director was stealing artifacts from the museum, Simon wanted to know what he was doing with them. Following him seemed the only way to discover that when his desk had revealed little. The ledger list remained a mystery and the two artifacts in the crates were still in the storage room thus far, but Simon hoped they would lead to answers.

Worley had offered his carriage with the thought that Stockton wouldn’t recognize it if he happened to notice them.

“Your timing was perfect,” Worley said. “This way I won’t have time to miss Marbury.”

“How was the wedding?” Simon asked with a smile as the carriage rolled forward. He could imagine how lovely Norah had looked but worried how she was feeling with Ella leaving.

“Perfect, of course.” Worley shook his head with an amused expression. “Marbury and his new countess wouldn’t have it any other way.”