Norah led the way into Ella’s room, relieved to see her sister seated at her desk in her nightgown with a lamp on rather than tucked in bed. They’d already presented her with the embroidered nightgown, which she’d loved.

“What are you two doing up?” Ella asked with a look of concern.

“Coming to see you,” Norah replied. “How are you doing?”

Ella rose and walked forward to embrace them both, her silence speaking volumes.

The quiet minutes with the three of them simply holding each other brought a lump to Norah’s throat. It would be some time before they shared another moment like this. The thought was impossible to believe when they’d had so many in the past. It made her realize she’d taken such things for granted.

At last, Ella released them and stepped back to look at them both. “I don’t know why I’m nervous,” she whispered. “I’ve been waiting so long for this day. Now that it’s here…” Her voice trailed off as if she had no words to describe how she felt.

“It certainly arrived quicker than I expected,” Norah said.

“Yes, it did,” Lena agreed as she took their hands in hers. “Much quicker.”

Though Norah longed to ask for assurance that everything would be all right despite this major change in their lives, she held back. The moment was not about her. It was about Ella and how she felt.

“I’m so happy for you.” Norah blinked back tears and managed a smile. “You and Marbury are meant to be together.” That much she knew for certain. She hated feeling selfish, but she wasn’t ready for her sister to leave.

“Yes, we are.” Ella drew a deep breath as her bright blue eyes filled with tears. “But I am going to miss the two of you very much. I can’t quite imagine not being with you every day.”

Norah’s tears fell, as did Lena’s. “Nor can I. Thank goodness you’re not moving far.”

Ella released their hands to hug them again. “Not far at all,” she managed, though the words were muffled. “You’ll still see me nearly every day.”

“After your honeymoon.” Lena’s quiet remark had all their tears falling faster.

“It’s only two weeks. Then I’ll be back. It will pass quickly.”

Norah smiled, wondering if she was trying to reassure them or herself. She appreciated it all the same. “What are you most excited about for the trip?”

“Paris in the spring? What’s not to be excited about? The sites. The food.”

“Nights with Marbury,” Lena added with a giggle.

Ella’s cheeks flushed, visible even in the dim lamplight. “Yes. I do look forward to spending time with Leo.”

“It will be exciting. Do not worry about us for even a moment.” Norah shared a look with Lena, wanting her to agree. “We will be perfectly fine.”

Lena nodded. “Yes, we will.”

“I hope so. I insist nothing exciting happen while I’m gone,” Ella ordered, giving them each a pretend warning look that caused them to chuckle.

“I’m sure nothing will.” Norah patted her hand. “Since we’ll have nothing else to occupy our time, I hope to make excellent progress on the seat cushions we’re embroidering for Grandfather.”

Lena groaned. “Whose idea was that? It was a terrible one. We’re never going to finish them.”

“Getting further on those would be wonderful,” Ella agreed. “But I truly hope you manage to find Father’s coin as well.”

Norah scowled. “I thought we’d have found it by now. Though it’s not for lack of trying.”

“Vanbridge will come through,” Ella said. “Of that I have no doubt. When Leo and I return, he will help as well. He’s been so distracted with our wedding plans and the honeymoon that he hasn’t done some of the things he planned to.” Ella’s brow wrinkled. “Worley might be able to help more while we’re gone.”

“I’ll be sure to mention that to Simon.” Norah thought he would appreciate additional assistance.

“I can’t help but ask—how close are you and Vanbridge becoming?” Ella asked with a twinkle in her eyes, her arms folded across her stomach.

“He is a very interesting man.” Norah hoped that would satisfy her sister. She wasn’t prepared to discuss how she felt when her emotions were already in turmoil.